I changed from PHP to ASP.NET, now I’m working with webforms in a somewhat large company. I given some though and research to back my impressions on ASP.NET webforms and I came to the conclusion that Webforms is an attempt to make web applications easier to write for those who came from the "desktop programming" world.
But before shunning WebForms I decided to analyze the needs of the software we write and bumped on the issue of maintaining application states on the Web.
I understand that HTTP is a stateless protocol, and ASP.NET tries to simulate states with session variables , hiddenfields and viewstates, it is in my understanding also that all of the above cited have flaws and are not perfect ways to keep the state in my application, But I also understand the need to keep a state on my app.
Which raises the questions, is the HTTP really fit for this type of job (making applications that require state)? Are the tools currently available to webdevelopers enough? Are the new tools available with HTML5 effective at the job or are they just workarounds for the limitations to HTTP.
I love developing for the web, and I’m much more familiar with the web than with the desktop, I just been wondering about this HTTP statelessness thing for some time and i want to understand if I’m missing some point or if I’m right on my notions.