We are trying to implement a branch model in Mercurial.
We have read the "Successful GIT branching model" and I proposed another, based on branched version numbers.
Then I ended accepting the model with 2 long lived branches, development and releases.
One thing I like about it is the possibility to do "nightly builds", but I am concerned about how to plan major features for versions.
How is this "development" branch supposed to work? Should get fixes here as fast as I can, but only merge features whenever I want? How do you do this?
I want to plan like this:
Version 1.3: CKEditor + Vote Comments
Version 1.4: Delete and restore comments
And I want this to be in the roadmap of Redmine, which means belonging to a version number before the feature is fully programmed. Mostly because I want to show me (customers in the future) that there is indeed a plan.