The distinction between roles and claims is that roles describe a set of users and claims describe a property of a user. So there can be a role "Administrator", but there can also be a claim "HasElevatedPrivilegeBadge". Both can allow the same action. Now which one should I pick if I want to allow only certain people to do certain things, for example:
CanAddItem, CanUpdateItem, CanDeleteItem,
CanAddProduct, CanUpdateProduct, CanDeleteProduct
I could create role "Administrator" and add to it claims "CanAddItem", "CanUpdateItem", etc., but "CanAddItem" doesn't describe a property of a user. It says what the user can do, which is not what a claim should do, should it?
Another approach is to create policies, such as:
policy.AddPolicy("CanAddItem", policy => {
But for more than 20 policies, it will take a good chunk of my Startup
class. Is there any other way of doing this, or is one of these the preferred one?
I'd like to point out that I'm specifically looking for a solution for .Net Core Identity. I'm asking for a solution on how to fit my requirement into Identity tables provided by the framework.