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Questions tagged [.net-core]

.NET Core is a lean, composable and cross-platform framework for building web and cloud applications. It is fully open source and available on GitHub ( Applications in .NET Core can be run and/or hosted on Linux and MacOS under .NET Core.

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4 votes
4 answers

Is it okay to deploy both front end and backend everytime if they are in a single repository

I have a project with .net core web api backend and angular as front end. I have single repository for both the projects with front end and backend in their own separate folders. I have written ...
Pawan Nogariya's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Gradual upgrade of an inherited .NET Framework project

I'm seeking advice on the best approach to upgrade a legacy .NET Framework project to a newer version. The project currently consists of over 80 projects, and a complete rewrite would be a time-...
Asdrubal Hernandez's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Polling Application Misses 1/500 records from an OData Feed

I apologize in advance for the lack of knowledge. Please feel free to edit this question to use the appropriate terminology if it is not correct. I recently wrote a .NET core application that is ...
javery's user avatar
  • 61
4 votes
2 answers

Is the entire web request the right scope for a DbContext in EF Core?

The usual advice for using EF Core in a web application is to use a scoped DbContext per HTTP request. This is even the suggested default for web application in the Microsoft documentation. I recently ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Azure Service Bus: consume messages from multiple subscriptions vs forwarding messages to a single input queue

I'm designing an Azure Service Bus topology with multiple topics. Each topic is associated with a single message type: this is possible since we have a limited number of message types, each one with a ...
Enrico Massone's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Possible Solutions for avoiding applications sharing database

Background: I work on a small group (5-10) of lightly used .Net web applications. The applications typically have dedicated databases, but there are instances of an application accessing another ...
jessiebot's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Where to put the reference to Application Insights in an application designed with the Clean Architecture template?

We are implementing an application by trying to follow the Clean Architecture template for C#. Our application is an ASP.NET core web api and we want to implement the observability for that ...
Enrico Massone's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to organize "master" data VS "working" data in MS SQL

I have this survey software that I'm writing and I'm wondering what would be the best design for my requirement. I'm going to simplify it as best as I can. I have these entities: class Survey { ...
Francis Ducharme's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

In .net 6 dependency injection and Program.cs, what is the best practice for handling a large number of dependencies?

I've seen a ton of examples of how to do DI, and the example always shows two dependencies. But what about when you have 50 or 100 dependencies (or more) in a large-ish application? The Program.cs ...
NovaDev's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

C# Duplicated usage of an if/else condition and a ternary operator. A good practice?

I had a debate with a work mate regarding the following code as to which one of it would be the better practice: My code (in pseudo): var A = <precondition either TRUE or FALSE>; var B; if(A) { ...
Chams's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Good approach to design Business interface for versioned API?

I am designing an API using .NET core 6 C# which has 2 versions. For v1 I have something like the following for the business logic interface (fictional names and simple fields just to facilitate ...
the-4th's user avatar
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0 answers

What design pattern does this implementation follow?

For a middleware solution I expose an API, which processes data and sends the necessary information to different parties. In the current design we create a new client, which acts sort of like an ...
M. Mayhem's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

Can be logic around `List<T>.Enumerator._version` considered control flow exploitation?

List<T>.Enumerator “snapshots” list version upon creation by _version = list._version;. This allows enumerator to halt enumeration when List<T> changed during it. This behavior likely ...
Yarl's user avatar
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0 answers

Microservice code reuse strategy for static classes

Hope this is the right place to post an opinion-based question like this. I'm in the process of converting an aging API monolith to a set of .NET 5/C#-based microservices and working on the code reuse ...
JTennessen's user avatar
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Synchronisation of db state in blazor

I have an app where certain data is stored in the database. Multiple users access the same set of data (similar of a collaboration tool). However, they can non deterministically work on stale data. ...
Mayur Ekbote's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

DDD+CQRS - Should I always check if the Databases are online?

I'm developing an intranet application and I'm trying to use some concepts from Domain Driven Design (DDD) and Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) in .NET Core, with EFCore. But, to ...
Rick Wolff's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Finding/determining future data for pricing

I'm honestly not even sure how to go about how to ask what I'm looking for/need. lol. I'm currently using Sql Server for my database and the 'new' .net 5. There are multiple pricing tables that each ...
Travis's user avatar
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1 answer

Processing large number of messages in a thread-safe manner

I have the following use case and would like to implement it in a thread-safe manner. Think of a Stack Overflow-like web application. Somebody upvotes a question. A new event is sent to the message ...
robotron's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Dependency injection post-serialization

I'm modeling a general RPG-game-style quest system where player choices lead to certain effects. The below examples have been simplified for the sake of clarity. This is a web-based context, which I ...
Flater's user avatar
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2 answers

How to implement authorization in a microservices architecture?

I'm looking for a way to avoid centralized management of authorization rules. I'd like every microservice to be responsible for the authorization logic of its actions, but I'm having some trouble ...
Gur Galler's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Should appsettings.Development.json be added to the repository?

Lately I got in a discussion with my colleague whether the appsettings.Development.json should be added to the git repository or not. My considerations are: when a developer clones a repository to his ...
Frits's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Are good practice to use SKPointI as key for dictionary

In my application I using SKPoinI as a key to store some small objects in Dictionary. SkiaSharp already used in this project for drawing and not need to be referred to only to allow SKPointI to be ...
Bogdan Samchuk's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I write integration tests if I need dynamically generated values from a javscript file?

We have a react website that, as part of it's process, loads a dynamically generated javascript file from a third party. It uses some of the scripts in this javascript file to generate values, which ...
David Jacobsen's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How can I improve this API solution

Intro I'm creating an app and I'm not sure if the structure of the solution is correct. I have a BaseController that uses generics. This controller is inherited by others that do not have to ...
Emily's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Why it is possible to specify a value comparer for ImmutableDictionary<TKey, TValue>?

What is the intended usage of the ImmutableDictionary<TKey,TValue>.ValueComparer property? Why is it useful being able to compare dictionary values by using a specified equality semantic? I ...
Enrico Massone's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Custom File System Index/Cache - How to save index

I've got an extremely oniony(deep) folder structure which contains Appx 1,000,000 text-based files on a network share. Using windows search is extremely slow and unreliable. I've created some text ...
GisMofx's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How to create a modular system of multiple .NET Core applications extending a single application?

So first of all let me explain what I want to achieve: I want to create a basic .NET Core console application which is responsible for loading external extensions (more on this later on), listening ...
Olaf Svenson's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it bad practice to mutate your HttpClient objects?

Im in the process of creating a base class for typed HttpClient services (yes, I'm utilizing IHttpClientFactory). I wrote the process in such a way that for each CRUD method invoked from the service, ...
8protons's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is it allowed to refer .net framework libraries in a .net standard library?

.Net Standard is specification. There are two popular implementation of the .net standard specification. ie .Net Core & .Net Framework When I create .Net Standard library, I am allowed to refer ...
Nachiappan Kumarappan's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to Mock NamedPipeClientStream

I created a class called MpvController to handle communication protocols over a .NET NamedPipeClientStream. Now, I need to test this controller. I have a second class named MpvControllerFactory that ...
Etienne Charland's user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

How to force consumption of an object once it is created?

Use case: I need to create serial numbers that are accountable for, so serial number objects, once created must have a destination: either they are used (they get a code) or they are discarded. For ...
Hefaistos68's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

C#: Use Double Await Cause Issues?

We have Application service Method, which extracts data from SQL database using Entity Framework Core . Its Async method along with the Async Controller. Service: public async Task<IEnumerable<...
user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

When to set constants during DI setup and when expect them on the fly as parameters?

Let's assume you have a project (e.g. .NET Core) using dependency injection. A database repository relies on a database connection string. public abstract class BaseRepository { // use this when ...
Question3r's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Should you validate route parameters or let them fail with a 404?

So this is an example endpoint to fetch one user by its username [HttpGet("{username}")] public async Task<ActionResult<object>> GetUser([FromRoute] string username) { // ... ...
Question3r's user avatar
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0 answers

Net Core: Solutions to Update History Tables in Application Design

Our company did not properly design Address Record Code Module. Developers are updating Address SQL table with Multiple Service Methods, and are not updating AddressHistory Sql table. They're asking ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

keep Controllers at one place or organize by domain

When creating a new .NET Core Web API the controllers will be put in the Controllers directory. I want to create request models for incoming requests (for validation purposes) and response models ...
Question3r's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to clone an object graph and keep relationships of objects intact?

In my core application with Angular 2+ client, I work with a complicated object graph. In the object graph I have some objects with references to each other. I have a simplification included ...
Superman.Lopez's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What's a good liveness probe for a Hangfire background job server?

We're in the process of moving everything to K8s and one of our applications is a small .NET Core 2.2 console app that runs a Hangfire background job server. At the moment the app runs as a Windows ...
Cristi's user avatar
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0 answers

Technical architecture of platform on .Net Core

I'm designing a platform that will run robots developed by others. Basically anyone could implement a IAutonomousAgent and register the implementation on the platform. At runtime, the platform will ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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2 answers

Call API endpoint from API itself

I'm creating an .NET Core 3 API with Entity Framework. The data is from an existing database. Now I've the following situation: /persons -- get all the persons /companies -- get all the companies /...
Bjorn's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there still a place for non-async methods in Data Repository?

If we start a .NET Core 3.0 project today, which will use database connection (for example ASP.NET Core Web API), is there still a place for non-async operations while talking to the database? Or in ...
Adam Wojnar's user avatar
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Registering dependency implemented in separate assembly with shared interfaces

Situation: I have a project with a Business Layer (WizBang.BL) that contains nearly all of my application logic. It communicates with a Data Layer (WizBang.Data) that contains by entity classes and ...
Valuator's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How to justify using await instead of .Result() or .Wait() in .NET Core?

Since the inception of .NET Core, console apps, function apps, ASP.NET etc. are not using synchronization context in async methods (so they're synchronizing straight to Thread Pool). This means that ...
kor_'s user avatar
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Dependency Injection and Factory resolution

In the below example, assume FooA and FooB each have constructors that have a large amount of dependencies being injected into them. If I have a class that needs to determine which IFoo ...
gilliduck's user avatar
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2 answers

Unit Testing Complicated Service Call with Many Methods

I am trying to understand principle of Unit testing, Purpose, and Moq. We have complicated Service Call. The Service Call encompasses numerous Repositories and Services, with dependencies and ...
GregDavis's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Should Specification Patterns return IEnumerable, IQueryable, or Expression?

We are implementing Specification Patterns with Domain Driven Design. Company architect also wants us to utilize Generic repository (not my choice). Currently require specification Pattern for Filter ...
Matt Smith's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Domain Driven Design: Should Specification Pattern exist in Repository or Application level for Paging?

In Domain Driven Design, should the specification pattern for paging/pagination exist on the Repository level or Application level, or another layer? Trying to see what Eric Evans author of DDD stated....
Matt Smith's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to properly handle deployment configuration for Xamarin Forms app

We are currently working on a Xamarin Forms (.NET Core) application. We use Microsofts DevOps for the code repo, building and deployment. Since we want to test newly developed features in a safe ...
Manuel Merzinger's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why is it necessary for every new api to be async?

I'm expressing my frustration here somewhat, but why do many new libraries only have asynchronous APIs? For example I'm creating a small utility to fetch a web page and parse some data from it. ...
spirc's user avatar
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How to send messages in the order they were queued, while ensuring that client B does not have to wait until client A has received his message?

I have a simplified producer/consumer pattern implemented below. The code outputs: "A" 1 second delay "B" 1 second delay "A" 1 second delay "B" ... What ...
AlanWakeUp's user avatar