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Possible Solutions for avoiding applications sharing database

Background: I work on a small group (5-10) of lightly used .Net web applications. The applications typically have dedicated databases, but there are instances of an application accessing another ...
jessiebot's user avatar
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1 answer

Good approach to design Business interface for versioned API?

I am designing an API using .NET core 6 C# which has 2 versions. For v1 I have something like the following for the business logic interface (fictional names and simple fields just to facilitate ...
the-4th's user avatar
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What design pattern does this implementation follow?

For a middleware solution I expose an API, which processes data and sends the necessary information to different parties. In the current design we create a new client, which acts sort of like an ...
M. Mayhem's user avatar
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1 answer

Why do some eShopOnContainers Service API Unit Tests not reference API classes only WebMVC? [closed]

I have been trying to learn more about MicroServices architecture and I am using Microsoft's eShopOnContainers as a reference because I am familiar with .NET. I am getting into the part about testing, ...
Robin Zimmerman's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Unit Of Work with multiple database context

I have created an application (net core 2 & ef core) with Unit Of Work and Generic repository pattern. I used to have one database context but due to some business logic I had to create a second ...
Dimitris's user avatar