The codebase I'm working on frequently uses instance variables to share data between various trivial methods. The original developer is adamant that this adheres to the best practices stated in the Clean Code book by Uncle Bob/Robert Martin: "The first rule of functions is that they should be small." and "The ideal number of arguments for a function is zero (niladic). (...) Arguments are hard. They take a lot of conceptual power."
An example:
public class SomeBusinessProcess {
@Inject private Router router;
@Inject private ServiceClient serviceClient;
@Inject private CryptoService cryptoService;
private byte[] encodedData;
private EncryptionInfo encryptionInfo;
private EncryptedObject payloadOfResponse;
private URI destinationURI;
public EncryptedResponse process(EncryptedRequest encryptedRequest) {
return cryptoService.encryptResponse(payloadOfResponse);
private void getEncodedData(EncryptedRequest encryptedRequest) {
encodedData = cryptoService.decryptRequest(encryptedRequest, byte[].class);
private void getEncryptionInfo() {
encryptionInfo = cryptoService.getEncryptionInfoForDefaultClient();
private void getDestinationURI() {
destinationURI = router.getDestination().getUri();
private void passRequestToServiceClient() {
payloadOfResponse = serviceClient.handle(destinationURI, encodedData, encryptionInfo);
I would refactor that into the following using local variables:
public class SomeBusinessProcess {
@Inject private Router router;
@Inject private ServiceClient serviceClient;
@Inject private CryptoService cryptoService;
public EncryptedResponse process(EncryptedRequest encryptedRequest) {
byte[] encodedData = cryptoService.decryptRequest(encryptedRequest, byte[].class);
EncryptionInfo encryptionInfo = cryptoService.getEncryptionInfoForDefaultClient();
URI destinationURI = router.getDestination().getUri();
EncryptedObject payloadOfResponse = serviceClient.handle(destinationURI, encodedData,
return cryptoService.encryptResponse(payloadOfResponse);
This is shorter, it eliminates the implicit data coupling between the various trivial methods and it limits the variable scopes to the minimum required. Yet despite these benefits I still cannot seem to convince the original developer that this refactoring is warranted, as it appears to contradict the practices of Uncle Bob mentioned above.
Hence my questions: What is the objective, scientific rationale to favor local variables over instance variables? I can't quite seem to put my finger on it. My intuition tells me that hidden couplings are bad and that a narrow scope is better than a broad one. But what is the science to back this up?
And conversely, are there any downsides to this refactoring that I have possibly overlooked?