I have a hardware device connected to the computer and on the hardware device there is 512 bytes of memory for storing parameters. I want to read this data and decode the parameters stored in the memory. I will explain how I currently do this, and then ask if there is a better way.
I read the data using this function call
std::array<uint8_t, 512> device_data = read_parameters_from_device_memory();
The first byte read encodes the version of the data storage format. So I introduce a new type to hold the data and facilitate decoding to different storage formats.
struct device_data_union {
uint8_t version = 255;
std::array<uint8_t, 511> data;
device_data_union() {}
device_data_union(const std::array<uint8_t, 512>& data_from_device) {
version = data_from_device[0];
data_from_device.begin() + 1, data_from_device.end(),
template <typename T>
const T* access() const {
return T::version == version? reinterpret_cast<const T*>(data.data()) : nullptr;
template <typename T>
T* access() {
return T::version == version? reinterpret_cast<T*>(data.data()) : nullptr;
The access template method lets me safely decode the data by providing a type T that has a version constant.
I construct a value of this type by calling its constructor on the data that I read:
device_data_union data_union(device_data);
Here are the different data formats:
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct device_data_v0 {
static const uint8_t version = 0;
double a = 3.0;
double b = 4.0;
void mapping() {} // 'mapping' is absent for this data format.
struct device_data_v1 {
static const uint8_t version = 1;
void a() {} // 'a' is absent for this data format.
double b = 4.0;
Line mapping;
struct device_data_v2 {
static const uint8_t version = 2;
double a = 3.0;
void b() {} // 'b' is absent for this data format.
Line mapping;
#pragma pack(pop)
All these types store a subset of the parameters a, b and mapping. When a parameter is not present for a particular format, I mark it as absent by adding a void method with the name of the parameter. The reason for that will be clear later.
Anyway, I want to unify all these formats into a value of this type that contains all parameters.
struct device_data_unified {
double a = 3.0;
double b = 4.0;
Line mapping;
To accomplish that, I wrote a function unify that uses some template specialization to decide at compile time if a field is a variable or a method, and in case it is a variable then it copies its value:
// Unification code
template <typename T, typename P, typename D>
struct CopyParameter {
static void apply(const T& src, P p, D* dst) {
*dst = src.*p;
template <typename T, typename D>
struct CopyParameter<T, void (T::*)(), D> {
static void apply(const T&, void (T::*)(), D*) {}
template <typename T, typename P, typename D>
void copyParameter(const T& src, P p, D* dst) {
CopyParameter<T, P, D>::apply(src, p, dst);
template <typename T>
void tryCopyParameters(const T* src0, device_data_unified* dst) {
if (src0 == nullptr) {
const auto& src = *src0;
copyParameter(src, &T::a, &(dst->a));
copyParameter(src, &T::b, &(dst->b));
copyParameter(src, &T::mapping, &(dst->mapping));
device_data_unified unify(const device_data_union& src) {
device_data_unified dst;
tryCopyParameters(src.access<device_data_v0>(), &dst);
tryCopyParameters(src.access<device_data_v1>(), &dst);
tryCopyParameters(src.access<device_data_v2>(), &dst);
return dst;
I can now decode the device data like this:
device_data_unified unified = unify(data_union);
Here is my question: While this code works, the template hacks are not very readable. Is there a more readable way of accomplishing this such that (i) I don't have to excessively duplicate code when considering the different formats and (ii) resort to using SFINAE (as it is not entirely supported properly by some common compilers).
The code that I provided above is just an example. In reality, I have more formats and member variables, so even if code duplication would not be a big issue for the particular example above, in reality it would.
Complementary information: This is C++11. I am compiling it using various compilers, such as Clang++ 9, g++ 6.3 and some MSVC compiler from 2017.
on functions and structs, while keeping them on flow control. Picked this up from kernel.org/doc/html/v4.10/process/… and it helps me differentiate at what I am looking at. For what its worth, I accept templates as being unreadable by default, and its the only place I will permit the use ofauto
; to offset this, Use excessive commenting.