Given that I want to write a Given/When/Then scenario
When I write a Given/When/Then scenario
Then my Given and When are generally the same thing
I've been trying to practice writing user stories in Given/When/Then but I often end up with something like above; the Given and When are identical. I find that high level stories come natural but when I try to break them down into manageable tasks I end up with stories like the above.
Here's an example on a "reporting" system I'm working on where security issues can be reported and reviewed. At a high level, the stories are easy and make sense:
Given a Security Problem is dicovered
When the Issue is reported to SecurApp
Then an Item is created for review
At the system level, we'll take in a "request" which goes on a queue, gets picked up, and a report is generated
Given a request to create a report
When a report is created
Then the user is notified that the report is created
But now I've got this weird duplication between Given and When. This happens a lot.
What's a good way to think about Given/When/Then? Because I have a feeling I'm approaching this incorrectly. Or maybe, does Given
often get repeated across similar stories?