When designing a REST API for update request. Usually PUT is used. Question: should the resource URL include the id usually?
The target URI of the PUT request should match the target URI of the GET request used to retrieve a representation of the same resource.
GET /a86e4776-699e-428a-b1a8-5c2828910d86
200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
Helo World
PUT /a86e4776-699e-428a-b1a8-5c2828910d86
Content-Type: text/plain
Hello World
Therefore, including an "id" in the URI for a PUT request follows precisely the same rules as including an "id" in the URI for a GET request.
The same is true, of course, for POST, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, etc. The resource identifier identifies the resource.
Now, your local spelling conventions may say that resource identifiers can include identifiers, or not, or only obfuscated identifiers, or whatever. Those kinds of design decisions are local to you, and will be motivated by the kinds of things that are most important to you (ex: we want to make things easy for the operators who need to read our access logs).
Reviewing Webber, 2011 may help clarify
HTTP is an application protocol, whose application domain is the transfer of documents over a network.