Linked Questions

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Options for C# machine to machine communication [duplicate]

I’m evaluating different options for communication between C# applications. My requirements are: Central server where clients connect Persistent connection, server should know when clients connect/...
Markus Knappen Johansson's user avatar
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Are Result objects the cleaner way to handle failure, than exceptions? [duplicate]

I was watching the following video by Vladimir Khorikov, which recommends to "Refactoring Away from Exceptions" - Applying Functional Principles in C# - Refactoring Away from ...
Jonas Benz's user avatar
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Representing vectors as arrays of points vs. as data structures

I'm writing a program in Java where I need to represent the position, scale, and other 3-dimensional properties of objects in a world using vectors. I can use either of these two approaches: ...
Bunabyte's user avatar
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Code design: introduce new method vs add optional parameter to existing method

In JavaScript (ES6), I can have optional function parameter with default value. So to add a new behavior to the existing code base, I could either introduce new method(s) or extend the existing method ...
nhle's user avatar
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Is it reliable to process millions of records with INSERT INTO SELECT directly in the database?

I have several million booking rows in a table and would now like to save the totals of the booking amounts in another table depending on the customer, account no., product, etc. Should this ...
root66's user avatar
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Requirements engineering model for picking between various software applications?

I'm working for a large company that's currently overhauling its network infrastructure, and several departments within the company have expressed interest in APM, desiring a tool for performance ...
PlanB's user avatar
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Distributed systems design and coupling

I have a question around which is preferred and seen as more right approach. Out company's messaging solution of choice is Kafka. We have a task to build a service that would provide events in cloud ...
Eds's user avatar
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Data autonomy using files in a micro service application

We are rebuilding an on premise application using microservices and are wondering how to implement data autonomy given certain constraints that we are facing: The application is built around a set of ...
Q-bertsuit's user avatar
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How to decide between different implementations for the same functionality in python

Say I want to implement a mathematical tool or simulator for mechanical joints. There are different types of joints (revolute, prismatic, etc). Which have different properties (degrees of freedom, ...
Darkspore's user avatar