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Designing a shared-role web apps

I have several Django services which all have their own login portal, and colleagues have a user/pass for each portal (if we've given them permission). We'd like to unite all of these portals and ...
s g 's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to securely implement roles in a Windows Form application?

As an ISV, what is considered best practice for implementing application role based security? In other words, only allow users to access certain features in the application based on what roles they ...
jonchicoine's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Should I manage authentication on my own if the alternative is very low in usability and I am already managing roles?

As a small in-house dev department, we only have experience with developing applications for our intranet. We use the existing Active Directory for user account management. It contains the accounts of ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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