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23 votes
4 answers

Why would many duck-typed dynamic programming languages use a class-based approach instead of prototype-based OOP?

Since quite many dynamic programming languages have the feature of duck typing, and they can also open up and modify class or instance methods at anytime (like Ruby and Python), then… Question 1) ...
iceX's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What's the benefit of having everything as an object in dynamically typed programming language? [closed]

modern dynamic programming languages like Python, Ruby and Javascript all take the approach of treating everything as an object, what's the benefit of this approach, and what's the curse of it? ...
Boyu Fang's user avatar
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2 answers

How to write comments to explain the "why" behind the callback function when the function and parameter names are insufficient for that?

How should I approach writing comments for callback functions? I want to explain the "why" behind the function when the function and parameter names are insufficient to explain what's going on. I ...
snowmantw's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Is this how dynamic language copes with dynamic requirement? [closed]

The question is in the title. I want to have my thinking verified by experienced people. You can add more or disregard my opinion, but give me a reason. Here is an example requirement: Suppose you ...
Amumu's user avatar
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