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4 answers

What if after some time when I learned more, I realized that I did some things wrong in past projects? [closed]

For example: After I've learned about SQL injections I realized that in past projects I didn't check user inputs for SQL injections. After I've learned about PKCE I realized that in past projects I ...
Nick Rogan's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Does the term "Learning Curve" include the knowing of the gotchas? [closed]

When you learn new technology you spend time understanding its concepts and tools. But when technology meets real life strange and not pleasant things happen. Reuqirements are often far from ideal and ...
Pavel Voronin's user avatar
26 votes
13 answers

Is it worth to learn Experimental Languages? [closed]

I'm a young programmer who desires to work in the field someday as a programmer. I know Java, VB.NET and C#. I want to learn a new language (as I programmer, I know that it is valuable to extend ...
Freesnöw's user avatar
  • 461
13 votes
5 answers

Creating a New Scripting Language For the Learning Experience? [closed]

Is creating a scripting language for my own personal learning experience worth it? The reason I ask is that there are so many programming languages available already, I know mine will never have any ...
Ivan's user avatar
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2 votes
6 answers

Where should you be at with 5 years experience? [closed]

Backround: I am currently a Junior in college working towards a degree in MIS. I've been interning with a compnay for a 3 summers and a winter break in there. With only 11 months to go before I start ...
Adam Beck's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

After how much experience, should one start to use a framework for serious development? [closed]

Long time back, when I was reading my introductory programming books on (Basic, Pascal, C/C++), one thing that was emphasized is you can't become a professional programmer over night or over few weeks....
Shamim Hafiz - MSFT's user avatar
59 votes
19 answers

What differentiates the exceptional programmers from the really good ones? [closed]

You know who they are. They are the rock stars of programming: They code 10X faster. Their code just works. They not only know their primary language inside and out, but they also know how it works ...