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Questions tagged [graphql]

For questions about GraphQL, an API technology designed to describe the complex, nested data dependencies of modern web applications.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do I architect reordering in database?

I'm building a todo list app and using react-beautiful-dnd on the frontend to allow users to reorder tasks. I'm trying to work out how to persist changes to the database when a user reorders items. ...
mrseanbaines's user avatar
2 votes
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Where to store the state of a complex form in React?

Let us consider a complex form of registering a driver and owner. The driver will have all these fields: driver = { firstName: "xyz", lastName: "abc", phone: "1234", email: "[email protected], licence: "...
Malik Bagwala's user avatar
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Strategy for a worker microservice to communicate with GraphQL API

I am trying to find the best way for a microservice to communicate with GraphQL Basic scenario: Client subscribed to GraphQL via Subscriptions (WebSockets) Client creates an Item using Mutation which ...
inside's user avatar
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Offloading database joins to IOT devices

Solution as it is right now I have this solution where I gather information from a proprietary product of a different company in various sites. The solution is based on a single go binary that ...
Marged's user avatar
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Are REST Resources and GraphQL Object Types conceptually equal?

I'm in the process of outlining the intended business logic of a web service. At this point, I'm not too concerned with implementation details. On the contrary, I'm looking for ways to abstract them ...
Willem-Aart's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Cloudfront distribution having multiple domains

I am developing a multi-tenant project that will be a kind of micro "ecommerce" and therefore customers will be able to create their own stores and will be able to choose between creating a ...
João Silva's user avatar