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2 votes
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Why are heuristics a disadvantage for decidable problems?

I'm reading Introduction to Artificial Intelligence by Ertel. This line has me stumped from the textbook (page 102): For decidable problems such as the 8-puzzle this means that the whole search ...
nullpointer's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

A* search for Sudoku

I have a homework problem for an Artificial Intelligence course that I am having trouble answering. Consider solving the Sudoku problem using A* search. The start state has some number of cells ...
Shawn's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

heuristic for searching through non-perfectly sorted data

Given sorted data, the search solution is obvious. Given unsorted data, sensible options are sort then search or just linear search. This question is about what to do if the data is somewhat sorted, ...
MandoMando's user avatar