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Questions tagged [loops]

A **loop** is a sequence of statements which is specified once but which may be carried out several times in succession.

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4 answers

How to improve my loop logic in programming? [closed]

I know how to do simple loops but I don't know what's going on when many loops are working together. For example: for (var i=0; i <= 9; i++){ document.write(i); for (var m=0; m <= 9; m+...
AppSensei's user avatar
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58 votes
6 answers

Who created the idea(s) of the first loop constructs?

while (1) { if (1+1==2) { print "Yes, you paid attention in Preschool!"; } else { print "Wait... I thought 1+1=2"; } } As a developer, we all have to use ...
Dynamic's user avatar
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Term for Performance Issues Due to Looping [closed]

Is there a term for performance issues caused by someone creates a loop that performs hundreds or thousands of actions that could have been done in bulk? My example is that I keep running into loops ...
Scott Keck-Warren's user avatar
-1 votes
9 answers

Loops in real-life problems [closed]

I'm learning C as my first programming language. I'm confused on how do loops work in real-life. In programming every function has a reason. example - if/else statements are used if we have ...
Dylan Cole's user avatar

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