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I have a SPA using Azure AD Auth Code with PKCE flow and I'm trying to implement token exchange/on-behalf-of flow

I have an angular SPA that runs in an office add-in (word) that I need to authenticate against Azure AD using Oauth2, consume resources from multiple apis and make graph calls. I have been successful ...
Josh Engel's user avatar
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Using Azure AD as an identity provider in Keycloak-based applications: how can I add missing user data to my client applications?

I'm currently using Azure AD as my identity provider and Keycloak as my intermediary/broker for my client applications. However, I need some user attributes (such as phone, email, picture, and ...
linus's user avatar
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Switching between Azure Mobile Services vs my own implementation. Will UIDs change?

I'm looking at Azure Mobile Services, particularly the Authentication part (which I believe relies exclusively on OAUTH 1 or 2). I want to make sure that my application isn't tightly coupled to the ...
makerofthings7's user avatar