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What is the process of planning software called? Or what is the job title of someone who does software planning?

What is the process of planning software called? For example, let's say a non-technical person comes to me with their rough initial specification. And I sit down with them over a couple weeks and ...
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How do you spec out your project?

all. I'm wondering how do you spec./plan out your project? For example, for webiste you can use Wireframe. How about for desktop or add-ins such as MS Office add-ins? I want it as simple as possible ...
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Let users get requirements together on their own or guide them along?

I'm sure everyone has experienced something like this. You go into a meeting with a client who has a project. They have no/few requirements in mind and the vaguest understanding of what they want/need....
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5 answers

What to plan before starting development on a project? [closed]

Say I've received the specifications for a project from a client, and now its time to start developing it. Normally, I just start with the first module (usually user registration) and then go from one ...
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