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Questions tagged [sharding]

strategy for distributing data on several server-nodes that all store the same kind of data. The distribution is based on the content/value of the data. Not to be confused with sharing.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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4 votes
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How do you shard a graph database or graph data?

Imagine I have graph data that is beyond the size of a single machine. How would you shard a graph database? I asked on Hacker News and people suggested sharding based on a hash of the predicate-...
Samuel Squire's user avatar
4 votes
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How to deal with runtime changes to tenant-location in a clustered, multitenant web application with app-managed datasources?

I have a Java web application that supports multi-tenancy to keep customer data separate. Connection pools to each customer database are created at runtime. The details of each customer shard (...
Jlaud's user avatar
  • 41
1 vote
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Best way to spread/shard file location on a network UNC

We are developing a system whereby documents/files will be stored on a specialized Content Server and uploaded via a client. However we want to be able to develop this so if we need to, we can swap ...
user183872's user avatar
1 vote
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In a distributed system, how to prevent duplicated services from acting multiple times on a common data source?

We are currently rewriting our infrastructure from a monolith to a distributed system because the old system didn`t fit the workload anymore. In one part of our distributed system, we have an Entity (...
looper's user avatar
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0 votes
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Source control Sql Server multiple shards with minimal differences

One of the database systems I work with (I'll call it database A) was essentially sharded into 3 schema-identical copies. This was easy to source control, and when a change was made to any of the ...
Jeffrey Van Laethem's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

The best shard key for user authentication

For access to my API user should send login and password and get generated token for access. Account login password Suppose the size of account's table is very large. So large - so needs sharding. ...
Ivan's user avatar
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