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How to ramp-up software testing from zero on a code base of approximately six years of development and in a team without practical knowledge?

In a feedback for a (deleted) question I asked here last year, I was told that there is not easy way to do software testing. We may find prepared test cases for protocols but in most case the test are ...
SchLx's user avatar
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Testing and Debugging Techniques vs. Rice's Theorem

As far as I got it correctly, as a result of Rice's theorem, the equivalence of two programs is generally not decidable. Nevertheless, there exists a wide variety of testing and debugging techniques, ...
Wanderer's user avatar
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Functionality in ISO 9126 is Non-functional quality? Contradiction in ISTQB and many sources

I have been doing some research and realized that I missed the fact that in ISO 9126 and ISO 25010, all characteristics are quality characteristics and represent (according to various papers) just non-...
John V's user avatar
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ISO 12207: Verification of integration and Unit test validation

I have received comments from the supervisor reviewing my thesis. He asked two questions I cannot answer right now: If ISO 12207 says under "Integration verification" that it "checks that components ...
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