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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How would i design processing twitter data

I am working on a project where a user can input different criteria which will be used to fetch tweets, lets call this action as TweetAnalysis. These tweets will then be sent to another internal ...
Em Ae's user avatar
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Restricting access to resources by source and destination IP

Forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask such questions - I am still extremely new to this field and am not even sure where the most appropriate place to look for answers is. Question: Assume I ...
jake_berenson's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can we implement an incremental naming system?

Just like how Mac or Windows gives incremental names to new folders, how can we implement such a system in a database? Let's say I have currently 3 folders (default names) i.e., "untitled folder&...
user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Can you have 2 processes modify a data store in a DFD diagram

If I have a Ban User process that should definitely modify the Accounts data store and if I have Create Account that should also should modify the Accounts data store.
mcdonald reversed's user avatar