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5 votes
4 answers

Value/reference type, object and semantics

What are the relationships between these pairs of concepts: value/reference type; value/reference object; value/reference semantics? For the first pair of concepts, it seems to me that an object of ...
Géry Ogam's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

immutable string in array, reference type vs value type

Trying to understand strings better in C# Are these assertions correct? string is immutable string is reference type but behaves like value type For these code samples... string x = "one" (...
nanonerd's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

C++ returning persistent objects

I'm currently trying to learn best practices in C++ after coming from a C# background. I understand that there are three ways of handling objects: By value (objects are copied or moved when passed ...
innova's user avatar
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