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Questions tagged [xpath]

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How would you have a fallback for html insert when the html has changed?

Given a website, our customers will pick a spot on their website and we record an xpath to that location. Our software is DNS integrated, similar to cloudflare, and we manipulate the origin's html ...
ericraio's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What approach to use to query multiple XML files?

I'll be receiving tens of thousands of XML files, which will continue to grow with new files over time. I need to be able to query these files as a whole (like SQL querying all the records in a ...
ProgrammerNewbie's user avatar
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1 answer

Identifying elements from data feeds generated by affiliate sites

I am working with data feeds from affiliate sites. The basic idea is to provide an interface where the user can paste a link to an XML datafeed (these are huge btw, around 60 mb) that would then be ...
SPI's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

xpath vs DOM API

I just came up on xpath recently while writing a greasemonkey script and immediately fell in love. I haven't done any benchmarking yet (coming soon), but according to a couple sources that I read, ...
Demian Brecht's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to combine XPath and CSS selectors?

Just came through XPath. I got curious about this. Why is there a different way to select tags in XPath and CSS(selectors). Why cant there be a common way in both XPath and CSS?
rgksugan's user avatar
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