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Should I insist that we perform code reviews before merging back to trunk or am I just a code quality bitch?

Requested re-post from StackOverflow:

I'm working in a small development time with very limited time for development. We develop a tool that is important for the result of our work, but not used daily. I am the only person in the team that has a background as a programmer.

My problem is that I have been pushing for code reviews before merging back to trunk for over a year. Everyone agreed on this, but still it's only my code that has been reviewed. Returning from a long vacation I come back to a trunk with code comments as "this is an ugly solution - remove as soon as possible" and "quick fix". What also is new is that a guy has been appointed the responsibility for the tool. (A role that first was offered to me but I turned down due to a non work related reason.) And he thinks that this is an ok way to work: As we have such limited time to develop, we should cut corners like that.

My concern is that the other developers write ugly code: often breaking encapsulation, writing huge classes, adding internal classes at strange places, having few or no unit tests, and so on. It will eventually be impossible to develop the tool further.

Should I insist that we perform code reviews before merging back to trunk or am I just a code quality bitch?