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Scala is a general purpose programming language principally targeting the Java Virtual Machine. Designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way, it fuses both imperative and functional programming styles.
What are the advantages of Scala's companion objects vs static methods?
One more benefit is that objects can implement interfaces/traits, unlike static methods.
Is it a good idea to use "lazy val" for correctness?
Yes, it is considered okay in general. A relatively common use is to initialize fields of a supertype when they have to depend on the state of a subtype (but even there you need to be careful). See ht …
Preferable design for overriding sealed trait method in Scala case classes/objects
I wouldn't consider this to be a violation of the open-closed principle: because the trait is sealed, the relevant entity isn't just Person, but Person together with its implementations, and isn't ope …
What's the best practice for async APIs that return futures on Scala?
No, you just use futures and don't call get on them unless absolutely necessary. Instead, you add callbacks to the futures and transform and compose futures with combinators. See Twitter Util futures …
Why the Scala fascination with flatmap? (This doesn't seem to be the same for mapcat in the ...
Many Scala idioms and approaches are derived from Haskell, and so it pays a lot of attention to type-safety, monads, etc. … (eg Monoids) (Now I realise there is an STM in Scala, and that Actor models, Avout and Cascalog are wonderful exceptions to this - I'm making a generalisation)
Better example of this in Clojure core …
Why does an immutable object in Scala need less memory than a mutable one?
Sharing is only part of the answer.
The mutable map has to contain all the fields which will be needed when/if elements are added, since calling methods can't change the class of the object.
With im …
Trait and Implementation vs just Implementation
is there any Scala-specific reason why this style is common in our codebase? … No, it is entirely orthogonal to use of Scala; if I had to guess, I would be pretty sure that such separation is more popular in Java. …
Does variance make sense in a fully immutable language?
As a simple demonstration why function input types can't be covariant, with no mutability involved (using Scala syntax):
val f: Int => Int = x => 2 * x
val g: Any => Int = f // allowed by covariance …
Is using Option#get really a bad idea here?
Instead of pattern matching explicitly, you can write
.getOrElse { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to load answer after creation") }
More generally, when dealing with Option/Either/Try you …
Decision for Unchecked Exceptions in Scala
In Scala you have a better option: using algebraic types for return values such as Option[T], Either[Exception, T], your own type when you want the user to handle specific cases (e.g. instead of
def foo … FooResult
and the consumer now is required to handle all results)
For dealing with external code which does throw exceptions, you have scala.util.control.exception or scala.util.Try (starting with Scala …
Does macros support make Scala a Lisp dialect?
No, Scala is obviously not a Lisp dialect in any meaningful sense. If you look at what he says:
I mention this mostly as a joke, but it is quite true. … So, you can write a dialect of Lisp based on Scala, perhaps even as an internal DSL, but that doesn't mean that all Scala programs will belong to this dialect. …
Unit testing statically typed functional code
In this case using QuickCheck (for Haskell) or ScalaCheck (for Scala) can let you write down these properties as expressions of the language and check that they hold for random inputs. …
Passing a Scala function to a Java 8 method
Also, you should be able to assign Scala lambdas (i.e. x => ...) to Function and any other SAM types in Scala 2.11, and Java 8 lambdas to Function1. … (EDIT: this actually got added in Scala 2.12, not 2.11.) …