Suppose I have two unrelated interfaces with the same method:
interface Table {
* @param width (0 < width <= 100)
void setWidth(int width);
interface Square {
* @param width (50 <= width <= 10000)
void setWidth(int width);
Then I create a class which implements both of these interfaces:
class SquareTable implements Square, Table {
void setWidth(int width) {
precondition = ...
if (!precondition)
throw new PreconditionFailedException("Precondition failed: ...");
How precondition expressions should be combined to satisfy Liskov substitution principle? Should they and'ed or or'ed? I.e. what should be written instead of ...
width > 0 && width <= 10000 // using OR
width >= 50 && width <= 100 // using AND
And which rule should be used for postconditions?
interface Table {
* @return width (0 < width <= 100)
int getWidth();
interface Square {
* @return width (50 <= width <= 10000)
int getWidth();
class SquareTable implements Square, Table {
int getWidth() {
postcondition = ...
if (!postcondition)
throw new PostconditionFailedException("Postcondition failed: ...");
width > 0 && width <= 10000 // using OR
width >= 50 && width <= 100 // using AND