Polyfilling, when is it too much?
I've summed up this question into one sentance.
Is it practical to polyfill all of the IE8 deficiencies with one solid javascript file, as in, would there be any drawbacks (performance) or blockages (impossibility to polyfill some features)?
Question Deprecation: (history)
I've been working with my company for about half a year now, and we've constantly been fighting with clients on upgrading their browsers. Everyone is of the mind that moving to a newer browser is only going to introduce more problems than solutions (they have internal, old web applications designed for in-house work)
I'm at the point where I've had to hunt down and polyfill so many things with IE8 that I'm wondering if there is any draw-back to polyfilling every deficiency that IE8 has (or at least making it so that the javascript doesn't error/fail)
Is it unreasonable to expect to be able to polyfill all of the deficiencies in older outdated browsers such as IE6-IE8, or would that be a bad idea (performance? stability?)...
If this is a possibility, how come there are no full-feature polyfill libraries, everyone will point to "modernizr", that is FEATURE DETECTION, and offers no polyfills of it's own.
So, wheres the IE8 master/full polyfill library hiding, or am I gonna have to slave over this?
Edit: the reason why I'm not just picking out the parts I need, is because there might be deficiencies we are not aware of, I'd love to have a fix-all for Internet Explorer, so if this doesn't exist I'm going to make it myself.*