From my Operating System textbook, application and library interact with kernel by system calls.

But as far as I can see, Windows, OS X and Linux, we can only use C Language to post system calls.

That annoyed me when I want to optimize I/O in our Java application -- since I can't use system call directly, So I have to guess what system call requested by a Java API(Maybe I should read JVM source code? But I was worried that will take too much time to meet the deadline), then optimize I/O by my guessing.

Since then I got a question, why system calls are limited to C language, and why we can't do that in Python, Java and many other programming languages?


I know OS X, Windows and Linux all are implemented by C, but there is still a question:

If an OS is implemented by a certain programming language, we can only request system call by that programming language? What's the reason for that?


3 Answers 3


On Windows, OS X and Linux, we can only use C Language to post system calls.

Actually, this is wrong, at least for Linux.

The real system call does not use the same calling convention than C, as defined in the ABI. Details are of course processor specific (so let's focus on x86-64).

(I am not exactly sure of all the details here, you need to check; I've read about them several years ago...)

The actual system call uses a machine instruction like SYSENTER or SYSCALL, and passes the number of the system call (probably in %eax) and its arguments in various (well specified) processor registers. But it does not use the stack pointer at all. So you could (in your machine code) in principle make a system call without any stack, or with an invalid %rsp (e.g. set to nil). In contrast, calling C functions require a valid stack pointer (even if most arguments are passed in registers).

The actual system call uses a different return convention. If the carry bit is set, the system call has failed, and %eax contains the errno code. If the carry bit is cleared, the system call has succeeded, and %rax contains its result.

Therefore, some programming languages implementations can even avoid any C library. For example Scheme's bones. And you can code a program in assembler for Linux without using any libc and without using C calling conventions.

Hence, C standard libraries' implementations need (for every system call), a tiny wrapping function. When you call in C the read(2) "system call" function, you are actually calling a tiny wrapper.

The Linux Assembler HowTo is giving some details. Read also Advanced Linux Programming. But you should also look into the source code of your Linux kernel and your C standard library (e.g. musl-libc has very readable code).

If an OS is implemented by a certain programming language, we can only request system call by that programming language?

This is wrong. The calling convention (using SYSENTER etc....) to the kernel is not the same as for C. You can code system calls in other ways.

Notice that on Linux, some low level utility functions are not system calls (which are exhaustively listed in syscalls(2)...); in particular dlopen(3) & pthread_create(3) & DNS functions like getaddrinfo(3) etc are implemented by several system calls. See also nsswitch.conf(5). And some system calls (e.g. clock_gettime(2)...) avoid the kernel overhead with vdso(7) tricks.

See also OSDev wiki.

Why system calls are limited to C language, and why we can't do that in Python, Java and many other programming languages?

As I explained, systems calls are not limited to C. However, C is very convenient (as a lingua franca or portable assembler-like language). So most programming languages implementors are using it, and often provide some libraries calling system calls of the C standard library. Also standards like POSIX are normalizing & defining "system" functions (e.g. mmap) in terms of C code. Hence the programming language implementors have interest to code in C (his implementation is then likely to be easily portable to various Unix-like or POSIX-like systems ; in other words nearly the same C source code - e.g. of Lua or Guile or Ocaml - implementation is likely to work on various systems like MacOSX, Linux, FreeBSD, TrueOS and possibly even GNU Hurd). So bones is much harder to port from Linux to MacOSX or TrueOS than guile, even if they implement nearly the same programming language (some Scheme dialect).

why we can't do that in Python, Java and many other programming languages?

In practice, all these language implementations (remember that a programming language is a specification written in some document; it is not a software) are using the libc to avoid portability hassles.

(IIRC on some *BSD systems system calls are passing arguments on the machine stack, unlike Linux; but I leave you to check that)

Read also Operating Systems : Three Easy Pieces


But as far as I can see, Windows, OS X and Linux, we can only use C Language to post system calls.

The premise here isn't actually correct. Ultimately, it's about making the processor execute the sequence of instructions that the kernel expects for a trap to happen. Any language that can make those instructions happen can make a system call happen directly. The Rust example cited by Michał Politowski in the comments is a perfect example of this in action.

The system calls you're familiar with were written in C because it's the second-from-lowest common denominator in the system, just above assembly. This gives developers a canned, portable, backed-by-a-known-standard implementation to call using the native linkage mechanism when they want a specific function such as read(2) or ioctl(2). Because this sort of thing has been a known quantity since the dawn of computing, almost every language offers facilities to call through to native object code, even some that that are interpreted or effectively interpreted.

That annoyed me when I want to optimize I/O in our Java application -- since I can't use system call directly, So I have to guess what system call requested by a Java API...

Java was built this way on purpose: you get the ability to run the same code anywhere at the expense of having a layer of abstraction between it and the processor. You're not supposed go know or care how it happens. Even so, Java has an escape hatch into the local system called the Java Native Interface. JNI is a tacit admission that you can't do everything in paradise and sometimes have to venture out into the seamy underbelly of the rest of the system.

I would suggest that at least some of what you gain back making a native system call will be offset by going through JNI. Benchmarking that against a pure Java solution for your I/O would be time well spent before committing to it. I'd also suggest that if you knew ahead of time that your performance requirements were strict enough to require that kind of optimization, Java might not have been the right choice of language for the project.

  • Really thanks! Now I have one more question, where could I find the documentation for the sequence of instructions that the kernel expects, or any useful search engine keyword?
    – Sayalic
    Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 11:30
  • 2
    @Sayakiss: The answer would be different for every operating system (and even for different versions of one operating system). This is typically described in the operating system's API (on the level of C functions that you can call). Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 13:25
  • @Sayakiss The more important point is that the kind of optimization you're proposing is something that rarely has to be done. To put it bluntly, unless you've done the measurements that identify a bottleneck between your application code and the actual performance of the I/O that can be attributed to the JVM, I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
    – Blrfl
    Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 16:01

They aren't

C++ and Delphi (among others) are perfectly happy to import the names of system calls and call them with no additional effort. C# has a language feature (Marshalling) that makes it look like it is doing the same, but actually does stuff on the interface.

They are instead limited to the calling convention popularised by C. Also by convention they tend to be documented as if they were a C function declaration.

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