Maybe anti-pattern is a better word for this question. I do not know, but I mean a violation of DRY. Id like to reuse a partial view, and I can, but that partial view has other things in it I don't want in my div I'm populating.
For example,
I have a page with a name. I can browse to a view and it shows me information about that person. That's a regular View.
I have a different page that needs the name data, and I can call that same controller and get back that same "regular" View, but it has lots of things in it I don't want, like a form, menu, etc.
If I don't call that View I already have, I have to make another one. If I don't do that I have to do some custom rendering in my JavaScript callback and put that in my div.
Am I violating DRY? If I had tons of these it would get unwieldy, but I don't know what else to do other than special views.
I am using ASP.NET Core if that matters.