I'm currently working on class with some async tasks under the hood. In fact I need to delegate few tasks to asynchronous execution and be sure that all of them are finished before class was destroyed, I was thinking about await all the tasks until finish inside class destructor. While research existing approaches used inside std library of C++ language. I was curios about different ways of asynchronous implementation.

For example std::thread doesn't wait anything inside destructor. Following code will fail with executable termination:

void sleep() {

void execute_thead() {
    auto thread = std::thread(&sleep);

So you forced to call join() for the thread you've created. Overall it's look more obvious to me, like: "Hey! You've created async task then be so kind and do manual await of it". But anyway throwing exception in case you forgot to call join() or detach() may be unexpected;

On other hand, let's look on std::async. Following code will await result inside future destructor:

void execute_async() {
    auto result = std::async(std::launch::async, &sleep);

It may be not obvious that code code will hang when going out of scope, while waiting till all tasks is complete. It may be hard to find actual bottleneck while refactor or optimizing the code. But advantage is that you don't need to care about unfinished tasks.

Be aware, here I'm not discussing about thread-based vs task-based strategy. Formally I'm asking if implicit await is better than explicit one and is it overall a good way to write asynchronous code.

  • Does the async task actually have to complete before the object destruction itself completes? Or could you just trigger the async task and move on? In other words, are you only trying to make sure that the async task completes when the object is destroyed? Commented Dec 11, 2019 at 15:04
  • Hey @MikePartridge, the answer within the question :) > In fact I need to delegate few tasks to asynchronous execution and be sure that all of them are finished before class was destroyed All tasks must be completed before actual class will be destroyed to move next.
    – Liastre
    Commented Dec 11, 2019 at 15:37
  • 1
    Nitpick: std::thread::~thread calls std::terminate, it doesn't throw
    – Caleth
    Commented Dec 11, 2019 at 16:55
  • 3
    Well, Future Programmer is going to find auto result = std::async(std::launch::async, &sleep); in a destructor very counterintuitive, especially if you do nothing with result. Commented Dec 11, 2019 at 17:43
  • 1
    @Liastre Take the following example: std::thread t(foo); bar(); t.join();. This code is broken if bar() throws an exception, because then, t.join() is not called. However, if std::thread automatically joined in the destructor (RAII), you would not have that problem. So an explicit join() function makes it harder to ensure exception safety if you compare it to an implicit join in the destructor.
    – pschill
    Commented Dec 16, 2019 at 14:36

2 Answers 2


Is it good approach to await async tasks in object destructor?

Personally I would answer that question with "No".
The reason for that answer is simple: This question shouldn't ever arise.

If you run into a situation where that question arise, then there is something wrong with your code design IMHO. Either the async task should not require the object to stay alive until it has finished, in that case there is no need to wait for the task. Or it should never be possible for the object to die before the task has finished, in which case the question doesn't arise either.

  • I think this answer could be phrased more neutrally; as is, I think it is maybe a little cruel. For the content, could we add more detailed examples or explanations for the two cases you list? Since we’re dealing with concurrency and C++ lifetimes, there’s a lot of ambiguity to read through ;)
    – gntskn
    Commented Mar 24, 2020 at 11:34
  • @gntsk Samples would be way too big as you cannot do that with 3 lines of code. If you don't know how to implement it as you don't understand what I wrote or don't know how something can be done in C++, ask a concrete new question about it, either here or on StackOverflow, as that's what theses places are all about. Yet they are no places where other people will solve your programming tasks for free. And no, that is not cruel, that's actually from their code of conduct.
    – Mecki
    Commented Mar 24, 2020 at 12:45

The primary reason for asynchronous task-like objects to have their destructors wait on the completion of the task is not so that someone can easily write an "asynchronous" task that immediately terminates. It's there for safety reasons; indeed, it's for the exact same safety reasons that cause RAII to be used in any other cases.

These two cases are equally bad:

int *ptr = new int;
delete ptr;
thread th(...);

What happens if do_something emits an exception? The thread th will be lost, and any connection to it dropped on the floor and forgotten. Just like the memory pointed to by ptr.

It's reasonable to have a RAII object release its resource, making it so that it is no longer managed and must be manually cleaned up. It is far less defensible to make this the default behavior.

So the question ultimately boils down to this: how safe do you want your code to be?

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