I'm developing a realtime chat application with an Angular frontend and Java backend. I've found a couple of examples that resemble what I am trying to achieve, such as:
- https://medium.com/swlh/angular-spring-boot-kafka-how-to-stream-realtime-data-the-reactive-way-510a0f1e5881
- https://dev.to/subhransu/realtime-chat-app-using-kafka-springboot-reactjs-and-websockets-lc
It seems common to include Kafka as a message broker, but I am trying to understand why we would want it. In my messaging application I don't foresee the server publishing anything towards the users. It will always be an end user on the clientside publishing something to a websocket endpoint, the server storing that information in the database and then delegating the message to the correct recipient(s), like so:
Now let's try to think away the Kafka section in that diagram and persist the message directly in the database. What do I lose out on except that the message gets stored in the database synchronously instead of asynchronously? I can simply put the message on /queue/message
before persisting the message so that there are no latency issues between the users. In the examples I've seen, persistence was not really a part of the flow so I figured there may be another reason to using Kafka.
then? And in the case of failure, put it back in the Kafka queue.