Lately I've been trying to split long methods into several short ones.

For example: I have a process_url() function which splits URLs into components and then assigns them to some objects via their methods. Instead of implementing all this in one function, I only prepare the URL for splitting in process_url(), and then pass it over to process_components() function, which then passes the components to assign_components() function.

At first, this seemed to improve readability, because instead of huge 'God' methods and functions I had smaller ones with more descriptive names. However, looking through some code I've written that way, I've found that I now have no idea whether these smaller functions are called by any other functions or methods.

Continuing previous example: someone looking at the code might think that process_components() functionality is abstracted into a function because it's called by various methods and functions, when in fact it's only called by process_url().

This seems somewhat wrong. The alternative is to still write long methods and functions, but indicate their sections with comments.

Is the function-splitting technique I described wrong? What is the preferred way of managing large functions and methods?

UPDATE: My main concern is that abstracting code into a function might imply that it could be called by multiple other functions.

SEE ALSO: discussions on reddit at /r/programming (provides a different perspective rather than most of the answers here) and /r/readablecode.

  • 1
    If your language doesn't have a way of distinguishing such methods you can always create a naming convention to do so.
    – psr
    Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 18:33
  • 8
    Also, many IDE's have tools that let you view references to methods. Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 19:12
  • 1
    @KilianFoth: That question is specifically about one line functions, this question doesn't imply that the smaller functions aren't fairly long themselves. Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 19:34
  • 1
    I wonder what kind of syntax would be suitable for subroutines that will be called from one point only... ;)
    Commented Apr 25, 2013 at 12:05
  • 17
    Function names which don't add understanding: process, call, doIt. Similarly for value names: data, object, thing, component, vector, list, etc.
    – user58668
    Commented Apr 25, 2013 at 14:13

13 Answers 13


Testing code that does lots of things is difficult.

Debugging code that does lots of things is difficult.

The solution to both of these problems is to write code that doesn't do lots of things. Write each function so that it does one thing and only one thing. This makes them easy to test with a unit test (one doesn't need umpteen dozen unit tests).

A co-worker of mine has the phrase he uses when judging if a given method needs to be broken up into smaller ones:

If, when describing the activity of the code to another programmer you use the word 'and', the method needs to be split into at least one more part.

You wrote:

I have a process_url() function which splits URLs into components and then assigns them to some objects via their methods.

This should be at least two methods. It is ok to wrap them in one publicly facing method, but the workings should be two different methods.

  • 5
    @exizt what is the problem with writing a function that takes a URL, and returns its components? Alternatively, mark it as protected or private (or equivalent in the language) so that it can only be called from within your module.
    – user40980
    Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 16:45
  • 33
    @exizt, what's wrong with that implication? If multiple other functions find that extracted function useful, they they should absolutely call it. Refactoring and extracting methods promotes code reuse, and this is not a bad thing. Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 16:46
  • 4
    What if it processes the components in a way that is very specific to this whole functionality, so that it could hardly ever be reused? Even if it is protected -- doesn't the fact that it is a callable function or method imply that it could be called from multiple methods inside this module? Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 16:46
  • 13
    @exizt, if those functions are completely coupled to your workflow, then other potential callers wouldn't find them useful. Problem almost solves itself. But depending upon the language you are using, there are mechanisms for hiding that functionality from callers that wouldn't find it particularly useful, either by way of modifiers in the class file, or in the package or assembly. And perhaps you have more refactoring and organization to do. But in general, smaller, reusable methods are good things. Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 16:52
  • 1
    @exizt then it is still easier to test than trying to make it into a giant ball of mud. If it is easier to test, easier to fix, easier to figure out - do it that way. You will save time (and time is money) later on when you come back to the code and need to figure out how a specific part works.
    – user40980
    Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 16:54

Yes, splitting long functions is normal. This is a way of doing things that's encouraged by Robert C. Martin in his book Clean Code. Particularly, you should be choosing very descriptive names for your functions, as a form of self-documenting code.

  • 15
    @exizt: Yes, it does. So what? If you coded the function correctly, it is OK for other things to call it, if they need its functionality. Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 16:49
  • 5
    Won't this confuse those who read my code that it is actually called by other methods, when in fact it's only called by one? Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 16:52
  • 49
    @exizt No it will not.
    – user40980
    Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 16:55
  • 13
    @exizt: I think a difficulty that you're having is you might not be naming your methods purposefully. People/code should expect a method to adhere to its contract/intended purpose. If your method does something very specific, it should be apparent what that purpose is to the caller. Thus, by calling it, they require the functionality intended in its contract. Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 21:49
  • 2
    @exizt how many places call your main() function? It's okay for a function to only get used once. You also don't know if thats going to stay true, maybe somewhere down the line you need to implement a very similar function and you'll get to call a lot of these functions again. Or work on a similar project and just copy the entire function as is without having to rewrite a bunch of stuff.
    – semi
    Commented Apr 25, 2013 at 16:17

As people pointed, this improves readability. A person reading process_url() may see more clearly what is the general process to deal with URLs just by reading a few method names.

The problem is that other people may think those functions are used by some other piece of the code, and if some of them need to be changed they may choose to preserve those functions and define new ones. This means some code becomes unreachable.

There are several ways to deal with this. First is documentation and comments in the code. Second, tools that provide coverage tests. In any case, to a great extent this depends on the programming language, these are some of the solutions you can apply depending on the programming language:

  • object oriented languages can allow to define some private methods, to ensure they are not used elsewhere
  • modules in other languages may specify which functions are visible from the outside, etc.
  • very high level languages like Python may eliminate the need to define several functions because they would anyway be simple one liners
  • other languages like Prolog may require (or strongly suggest) the definition of a new predicate for every conditional jump.
  • in some cases it's common to define auxiliar functions inside the function that uses them (local functions), sometimes these are anonymous functions (code closures), this is common in Javascript callback functions.

So in short, splitting in several functions is usually a good idea in terms of readability. It may not be really good if the functions are very short and this creates the goto effect or if the names are not really descriptive, in that case reading some code would require jumping among functions, which may be messy. About your concern about scope and usage of these functions, there are several ways to deal with it that are in general language dependent.

In general the best advice is to use common sense. Any strict rule is very likely to be wrong in some case and in the end it depends on the person. I would consider this readable:

process_url = lambda url: dict(re.findall('([^?=&]*)=([^?=&]*)', url))

Personally I prefer a one liner even if it is slightly complex rather than jumping and searching across several files of code, if it takes me more than three seconds to find some other part of code I may not even know what was I checking anyway. People who do not suffer from ADHD may prefer more explanatory names that they can remember, but in the end what you are always doing is balancing the complexity in the different levels of the code, lines, paragraphs, functions, files, modules, etc.

So the keyword is balance. A function with one thousand lines is a hell for anyone reading it, because there is no encapsulation and the context becomes just too huge. A function split into one thousand functions each one of them with one line in it may be worse:

  • you have some names (that you could have provided as comments in the lines)
  • you are (hopefully) eliminating global variables and do not need to worry about the state (having referential transparency)
  • but you force readers to jump back and forth.

So there are no silver bullets here, but experience and balance. IMHO the best way to learn how to do this is reading a lot of code written by other people an analyzing why is it hard for you to read it and how to make it more readable. That would provide valuable experience.

  • Personally I prefer a one liner even if it is slightly complex and I prefer it not. It is more important to write readable code that to write it fast. If you don't write this functionality often, it is likely to make a mistake or a stupid type. If, on the other hand, you use it often, the you should already know where this utility function is stored and use that instead.
    – Maurycy
    Commented May 24, 2014 at 16:26
  • Your comment is about writing code fast or often, you are missing the point. I'm not talking about writing but about reading code, it's all about readability. A verbose program isn't readable. A one liner may work as a "summary" and as such it may be more readable, even if slightly complex. Synthesizing is important when writing anything, and specially code.
    – Trylks
    Commented May 27, 2014 at 9:08
  • I'd consider reversing First is documentation and comments in the code. Second, tools that provide coverage tests. I'd probably focus on tests first and if possible use them to drive out the exact code. Then I add any documentation and (rarely) comments for gotchas. Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 10:55
  • @MichaelDurrant it's not meant to be an order from best to worst but from most basic to more sophisticated. For clarification: Code should be self-documenting, which solves several problems. The worst problem may be comment-code inconsistencies. There are no tests for the comments, thus they are more likely to contain errors, hence avoid comments as much as possible. (1) If some code needs clarification, before (2) writing some comment, (3) try writing the code better, (4) if the code still needs clarification then goto (1).
    – Trylks
    Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 13:29

I'd say it depends.

If you're just splitting it for the sake of splitting and calling them names like process_url_partN and so on, then NO, please don't. It just makes it harder to follow later when you or someone else needs to figure out what is going on.

If you're pulling out methods with clear purposes that can be tested by themselves and makes sense on their own (even if nobody else are using them) then YES.

For your particular purpose it seems you have two goals.

  1. Parse a URL and return a list of its components.
  2. Do something with those components.

I'd write the first part separate and have it return a fairly general result that could be easily tested and potentially be reused later. Even better, I'd look for a built-in function that already does this in your language/framework and use that instead unless your parsing is super special. If it's super special I'd still write it as a separate method, but probably "bundle" it as a private/protected method in the class that handles the second (if you're writing object oriented code).

The second part I'd write as its own component which uses the first for the URL parsing.


I've never taken issue with other developers splitting larger methods into smaller methods as it's a pattern that I follow myself. The "God" method is a terrible trap to fall into and others who are less experienced or simply don't care tend to get caught more often than not. That being said...

It's incredibly important to use appropriate access identifiers on the smaller methods. It's frustrating to find a class littered with small public methods because then I totally lose confidence finding where/how the method is used throughout the application.

I live in C#-land so we have public, private, protected, internal, and seeing those words shows me beyond a shadow of a doubt the scope of the method and where I must look for calls. If it's private, I know the method is used in only one class and I have full confidence when refactoring.

In the Visual Studio world, having multiple solutions (.sln) exacerbates this anti-pattern because IDE/Resharper "Find Usages" helpers will not find usages outside of the open solution.


If your programming language supports it, you might be able to define your "helper" functions within the scope of your process_url() function to get the readability benefits of separate functions. e.g.

function process_url(url) {

    function foo(a) {
        // ...

    function bar(a) {
        // ...

    return [ foo(url), bar(url) ];


If your programming language doesn't support this, you might move foo() and bar() out of the scope of process_url() (so that it is visible to other functions/methods)--but consider this a "hack" you've put in place because your programming language doesn't support this feature.

Whether to break a function into sub-functions will probably depend on whether there are meaningful/useful names for the parts and how large each of the functions are, among other considerations.

  • 9
    Note to others: even though PHP supports function definitions inside functions, the defined functions are in fact added to global scope. Commented Apr 25, 2013 at 14:33
  • 3
    I used to do this a lot until I realized how unreadable it was later on. i.e. You're very tempted to read the implementations of foo and bar when trying to see what process_url does. And even if you don't, you're forced to skip over them every time you read the implementation of process_url. It's much nicer to put these internal methods below if you can. Then the file gets more concrete towards the bottom and more abstract towards the top.
    – crizCraig
    Commented Aug 10, 2013 at 22:19
  • In JavaScript, foo and bar will be redeclared and assigned every time process_url is called, and if either of them return anything dependent on the scope of process_url (a function, for example) they will preserve the entire scope. If desired, this is super helpful - if not, it can turn into a memory drain over time. Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 19:30
  • @SandyGifford The various optimizations of modern JS engines should prevent the redeclaration and reassignment from happening if that's actually affecting performance bahmutov.calepin.co/detecting-function-optimizations-in-v8.html. (e.g. via a JIT.) Re memory usage, I'm not sure how breaking a bigger function into smaller ones changes this?
    – mjs
    Commented Dec 19, 2015 at 17:45

If anyone is interested in some literature on this question: This is exactly what Joshua Kerievsky refers to as "Compose Method" in his "Refactoring to Patterns" (Addison-Wesley):

Transform the logic into a small number of intention-revealing steps at the same level of detail.

I believe the correct nesting of methods according to their "detail level" is important here.

See an excerpt on the publisher's site:

Much of the code we write doesn’t start out being simple. To make it simple, we must reflect on what isn’t simple about it and continually ask, “How could it be simpler?” We can often simplify code by considering a completely different solution. The refactorings in this chapter present different solutions for simplifying methods, state transitions, and tree structures.

Compose Method (123) is about producing methods that efficiently communicate what they do and how they do what they do. A Composed Method [Beck, SBPP] consists of calls to well-named methods that are all at the same level of detail. If you want to keep your system simple, endeavor to apply Compose Method (123) everywhere...


Addendum: Kent Beck ("Implementation Patterns") refers to it as "Composed Method". He advises you to:

[c]ompose methods out of calls to other methods, each of which is at roughly the same level of abstraction. One of the signs of a poorly composed method is a mixture of abstraction levels[.]

There, again, the warning not to mix different abstraction levels (emphasis mine).

  • this looks very similar (if not the same) to what is called Extract Method pattern
    – gnat
    Commented May 5, 2013 at 6:13
  • Refactoring the outer-if to an early-exit test is good, and the inner if block should be replaced by something like elements = (Object[])Array.Resize(elements, elements.length*2);, but even without such changes I'd much rather deal with the first than the second. Replacing elements[size++] = element; with a call to addElement(element) doesn't abstract away the precondition that elements.length > size; it merely hides it.
    – supercat
    Commented Sep 2, 2014 at 22:37

I'm sure this won't be the popular opinion, but it's perfectly ok. Locality of Reference can be a huge aid in making sure you and others understand the function (in this case I'm referring to the code and not to memory specifically).

As with everything, it's a balance. You should be more concerned with anyone who tells you 'always' or 'never'.

  • When you say "it's perfectly ok", do you mean that it's ok to split the function into smaller ones? If so, why would you think it won't be the popular opinion, since there were at least 8 answers before yours that supported that choice? Commented Apr 26, 2013 at 9:44
  • I mean it's ok to leave it as a long function, it's a judgement call based upon the code itself and what it's doing. There's no reason it should automatically be broken down with no thought put into why.
    – Fred
    Commented Apr 26, 2013 at 19:18

A good rule is to have nearby abstractions on similar levels (better formulated by sebastian in this answer just above.)

I.e. if you have a (big) function that deals with low-level stuff, but make some higher level choices too, try to factor out the low-level stuff:

void foo() {

     if(x) {
       y = doXformanysmallthings();

     z = doYforthings(y);

     if (z != y && isFullmoon()) {

Moving stuff out to smaller functions is usually better than having a lot of loops and such inside a function that concists of a few conceptual "big" steps. (Unless you can combine that into relatively small LINQ/foreach/lambda expressions...)


If you could design a class that is appropriate for these functions make them private. Put another way, with a suitable class definition you can expose the only what you need to expose.


Consider this simple function (I'm using Scala-like syntax but I hope the idea will be clear without any knowledge of Scala):

def myFun ... {
    if (condition1) {
    } else {
    if (condition2) {
    } else {
    if (condition3) {
    } else {
    // rest

This function has up to 8 possible paths how your code can be executed, depending on how those condition evaluate.

  • This means that you'll need 8 different tests just to test this part. Moreover, most likely some combinations will not be possible, and then you'll have to carefully analyze what are they (and be sure not to miss some that are possible) - a lot of work.
  • It is very hard to reason about the code and its correctness. Since each of the if blocks and its condition can depend on some shared local variables, in order to know what's happening after them, everybody working with the code has to analyze all those code blocks and the 8 possible execution paths. It's very easy to make a mistake here and most likely somebody updating the code will miss something and introduce a bug.

On the other hand, if you structure the computation as

def myFun ... {
    val result1 = myHelper1(...);
    val result2 = myHelper2(...);
    val result3 = myHelper3(...);
    // rest

private def myHelper1(/* arguments */): SomeResult = {
    if (condition1) {
    } else {
// Similarly myHelper2 and myHelper3

you can:

  • Easily test each of the helper functions, each of them has only two possible paths of execution.
  • When examining myFun it is immediately obvious if result2 depends on result1 (just checking if the call to myHelper2(...) uses it to compute one of the arguments. (Assuming that the helpers don't use some global state.) It is also obvious how they're dependent, something that is much harder to understand in the previous case. Moreover, after the three calls, it's also clear how the state of the computation looks - it's captured just in result1, result2 and result3 - no need to check if/what other local variables have been modified.

The more concrete responsability a method has, more easy to test, read and maintain will be the code. Although no other calls them.

If in the future, you need to use this functionality from other places, you can then easy extract those methods.


It is perfectly acceptable to name your methods like this:


I don't see why anyone would think that these would be called by some other process, and it is perfectly clear what they are for.

  • 3
    This has the appearance of an anti-pattern (that I can't find the name of at the moment) where each task is only partially doing the job, but the two always need to be called in sequence. Each method should do one thing and one thing only, and all of one thing - not "part 1 of one thing" and "part 2 of one thing". If this is something other than you intended, could you modify your answer to indicate this?
    – user40980
    Commented Apr 25, 2013 at 17:29
  • 6
    @MichaelT - it is simply called sequential coupling, and yes, it is considered harmful in most circumstances.
    – CurtainDog
    Commented Apr 26, 2013 at 7:32
  • @CurtainDog It's no more harmful than calling a factory method and following that up with a call to a method on said object. It's required to happen in a specific sequence. The problem isn't things needing to happen in a sequence, it's when they need to happen in a sequence and it isn't obvious that's the case. No one would reasonably attempt to call a method on an object before it's been created, and thus, the sequential nature of it doesn't cause problems.
    – Fred
    Commented Apr 26, 2013 at 19:25
  • 1
    @Fred a factory method gives someone a workable object. If foo_part1() and foo_part2() are incomplete in of themselves, done only to break the code up for the sake of breaking code up, this is bad. The OP hasn't shown which interpretation this is what is intended.
    – user40980
    Commented Apr 26, 2013 at 19:40
  • @CurtainDog I actually like this naming convention and have used it myself to break up some methods. However, rather than a "_Part1", "_Part2" suffix I use suffixes that describe the purpose of the helper methods, e.g. "_Asserts", "_Logging", etc. It's not an anti-pattern in most cases. (See stackoverflow.com/questions/2712131/.) Sometimes you are implementing a necessarily long algorithm, and breaking up the method makes it more readable and testable. This is a simple, effective, and easy-to-understand approach. You can use access modifiers to prevent outside calls too. Commented Mar 23, 2015 at 23:28

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