I am intending to come from the perspective of development choices, code reviews, and general testing against defined environments (Development, Test, Production, etc.). I will be using C# as the primary coding reference.
What I am looking for:
- Is there anything with the following code change that could have been recognized as a potential risk? (I don't know if this would have been considered a code smell or an identifiable risk during code reviews/testing)
- The issue below appears to be environment specific, possible IIS/Server configuration differences. This item might be too broad, so I will remove it if that ends up being the case. Is there a way to identify if a web application is at risk of failing/having exceptions thrown due to a specific setting in IIS/Server?
I recently ran into a "type initializer 'X' threw an exception" error, after a change to the code, in a WebForms application with fairly poor logging. The class where the exception came from looks similar to the following:
public class someModelClass
private static string someConnection = new someConnectionStringRequester().GetConnection(someParam1, someParam2, ...); // <- this was the primary change. someConnectionStringRequester is not a static class/doesn't have static methods
//some public properties
public static List<someModelClass> getInstancesOfModel(someParam1, someParam2, ...)
//return some list of models based on someConnection
There are a few other "model" classes that follow the same pattern with small varied difference.
In the initial testing (Development and Test environments), the app did not run into any exceptions. Once deployed to the Production environment, it started to bring up the exception. I did two things reviewed the code prior to the change and added some better logging. The class previously looked like:
public class someModelClass
private static string someConnection = someOtherConnectionStringRequester.GetConnection(someParam1, someParam2, ...); // <- this was the original compared the the primary change above. someOtherConnectionStringRequester was a static class/had static methods
//some public properties
public static List<someModelClass> getInstancesOfModel(someParam1, someParam2, ...)
//return some list of models based on someConnection
After putting the logging in place, I had to force an exception to ensure that I would get a little more detail back. I made the GetConnection method "throw new Exception('testMessage')". As mentioned above, there are multiple "model" classes that look like this one but forcing the exception made a different class throw the type initializer exception, and this class gets called prior the the initial class that threw the exception. This different class looks like:
public class someDifferentModelClass
private static string someConnection = new someConnectionStringRequester().GetConnection(someParam1, someParam2, ...); // <- this also had a similar change
//some public properties
public void someAction()
someConnectionStringRequester someOtherConnection = new someConnectionStringRequester();
// do some work based on someOtherConnection
getInstancesOfModel(someParam1, someParam2, ...)
// do some other work
private static List<someModelClass> getInstancesOfModel(someParam1, someParam2, ...)
//return some list of models based on someConnection
This seems to point towards an issue when the class is first called, when the private static variable is called, or a mix of both.
Let me know if there is any information that needs to be clarified or added to make sense of the above content.