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2 answers

Saving & Referencing different Schema Types in MongoDB (e.g. for a CMS with Building Blocks)

Say I wanted to build my own CMS system and store data in MongoDB. I would like to have a Collection called BlogArticle. Each article can have a different structure, but will be put together by the ...
antonwilhelm's user avatar
-1 votes
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As a client; how to present database needs to perspective designers?

[I am preparing to solicit proposals for database/project management software design. I know that the quality of the final product will depend on how clearly and completely I can organize and explain ...
Casey's user avatar
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Database of big text documents many-to-many: one big relationship table, a lot of small ones, or a better way to link abstract text data?

so I am struggling a bit with a database setup. I found post with similar problems, but the reason behind the answers was not what I was looking for, hence I ask again with my specifics. I am building ...
Cerealz's user avatar
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Is database linked list a good architecture for replies and reviews system when using mongodb?

I want to create a system of user reviews and replies to the reviews in a website. There can be replies to replies. I'm using mongodb database which I think is an important detail. The review ...
Yos's user avatar
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Data modeling for NoSQL document database

Below are the common phases applied, for a real world requirement(data) map to DBMS specific schema. Conceptual models ER/EER/CODASYL/Hierarchical bridge the gap, in mapping the real world data(...
overexchange's user avatar
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Planning complex Mongo (And possibly other NoSQL) Databases

There is no "right way" to do anything, but there are "better" and "worse" ways, as well as true and tested ways. I'm studying Mongo and considering it for a project. It's gonna start small but ...
Fernando Cordeiro's user avatar
33 votes
1 answer

When should you use a document vs relational vs graph database? [closed]

For the purposes of discussion let's consider a FourSquare scenario. Scenario Entities: Users Places Relationships: Checkins: users <-> places, many to many Friends: users <-> users, many ...
wting's user avatar
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