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Questions tagged [heuristics]

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What algorithm should I use to optimize a bike sharing redistribution system?

I want to optimize a bike-sharing redistribution system( find the best way for an agent to take bikes from a station that has more bikes than needed and relocate them to a station that needs more ...
Relu Morosan's user avatar
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Feasible solution on the constructions phase of GRASP

I am learning about the GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search) meta-heuristics. From what I understood, GRASP is based on two main phases. The first one: Construct a initial solution based on a ...
lhahn's user avatar
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AlienTiles optimistic heuristic function

Hello I am trying to use the alienTile problem described at using the A* algorithm but I cannot find any good heuristic function so far. In alien tiles you have a board with NxN ...
Mario's user avatar
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