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-2 votes
2 answers

iOS7 apps only using iPad only

I would like to develop iOS apps but due to budgetary issues I can only afford an iPad mini gen1 or iPod touch 5th gen. Is it possible for me to make apps for all iPhones and iPads/iPods using just a ...
KKabra1's user avatar
  • 11
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1 answer

How much should app iphone or ipad development cost? [closed]

I'm an iOS developer (freelancer) and i want to know how much cost to build an app? and how should i do to estimate the price? like this app
Ziad Tamim's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

As a Europe-based company, is it possible to write a custom iPad application for a customer?

Our customer wants us to write a custom application for him that he can use on a handful of iPads in his company. This application is probably only useful for this one customer (maybe for two or three ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Do Universal iOS Apps have more "issues" when new versions of iOS come out?

I was discussing developing an iOS App with a client and I mentioned that we should ideally have a Universal App that would perform as an iPhone App on an iPhone and as an iPad App on an iPad. The ...
Tom Kidd's user avatar
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-1 votes
4 answers

Any good tips for a PHP Programmer for starting on Iphone and ipad apps? (have pc only)

I am trying to learn creating apps for IPhone and IPad, apps like database oriented websites where user can save their data. I am a normal php programmer and use only Windows PC. Any good tips that ...
user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

iPad app architecture with very large files

I am working on an iPad app. It needs to contain some very large files. I could put them into the app, but they would push it well over 20MB, which means that it would not be downloadable over the ...
William Jockusch's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Views, View Controllers, Properties and Object-Oriented Programming

I'm new to OOP, having been a procedural programmer for many years. I'm learning iOS development in Objective-C and could use some clarity on when and how objects and properties are used. Say I have ...
Michael Mangold's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to implement instant communication between iPad and iPhone through the net?

What is the best way to implement this: 1.iphone/webBrowser user selects some products (a,b,c) to buy 2.the chosen products most appear on the iPad located in the Store. using a UITableView perhaps....
bigboy1212's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Has anyone had a positive experience using Google Analytics in their native iOS app?

I'm having a hard time finding reviews on Google Analytics for native iOS apps and I was hoping to find some programmers on here that have any experience with it. If so, how well did it work? Thanks ...
BeachRunnerJoe's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

iOS Development: What are some reasons I should to use XAuth to authenticate a twitter user?

I see many people using XAuth in their app to authenticate twitter users and I'm wondering what are some situations that I would want to use XAuth in my own apps. Thanks so much for your wisdom!
BeachRunnerJoe's user avatar