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Equal transformations on both indexed content and query content before a search is attempted

In search engine indexing, a body of text is often processed before it is indexed. A common example is stemming, were words are reduced to their root form (plurals are dropped, tense is normalized). ...
Deane's user avatar
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How can I test a search engine for an uncommon human language?

We are writing a search engine from scratch in a quite uncommon language, Aramaic, mostly for learning purposes but also because few resources are available in given language. The engine is/will be ...
vallllll's user avatar
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NLP - Queries using semantic wildcards in full text searching, maybe with Lucene?

Let's say I have a big corpus (for example in english or an arbitrary language), and I want to perform some semantic search on it. For example I have the query: "Be careful: [art] armada of [sg] is ...
Zsolt's user avatar
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