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2 votes
2 answers

Is Kafka a good idea for connecting a REST API with Worker which runs large computations per job in a queue?

We currently have a REST API service (let's call it as A) written in Python which triggers various heavy calculation jobs for Worker (W) written in Python as well. Both services are interconnected ...
phen0menon's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Pattern to limit message queue processing based on external API throttling

I have a project where there's an external API which implements throttling. Roughly speaking, I'm allowed to perform N requests per minute. I also have a message queue (Apache Kafka) whose consumers ...
Yos's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Design question for handling large volumes of messages in multi-tenant queue

I have a system with two applications interacting via a message queue. Let's call them Producer and Consumer. Some key context is that this a multi-tenancy scenario. Producer produces events based ...
Taylor's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Dealing with data arriving at a different times

I have a load balanced service that needs two data inputs to correctly give a result. One of these inputs comes from a queue, the other comes from user input. Most of the time the data that comes ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Fair distributed task scheduling with RabbitMQ

Problem: A single client of our system can completely flood all available resources with a massive workload. You can consider we have only one queue, and anyone can schedule any amount of work in it. ...
Johan Martinsson's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Pull important messages from DLQ queue and save them in a relational database, to be analyzed and sent back later. Is it a good idea?

My project has a integration with a external system. We need to send some important informations to this system. For this, we create a micro service to connect to this external system. This micro ...
Dherik's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Slow throughput - still worth using a dedicated message queue?

Here are some requirements for a queue: Every few days add ~100k tasks with various priorities Workers will pull tasks at typically less than 10 / second Tasks need to be completed by ~2 unique ...
hoju's user avatar
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