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Questions tagged [queue]

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Matching supersets

In my application I have requests and items, each of which are associated with property tuples (key value pairs, where keys can be repeated) stored in a Postgres database. The goal is to find a single ...
flakes's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Airflow DAG vs custom worker to process queue of videos

I need to process a queue of videos in a scalable way. Processing includes number of tasks that can depend on each other. Some tasks are computationally expensive some not (e.g. transcribe audio, ...
vimi's user avatar
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2 answers

How to terminate python queue and instruct all consumer-threads to finish their tasks?

I have a multi-threaded application. There is 1 thread that produces a resource and puts it into a queue and many (not constant amount) consumer-threads that get the resources from the queue. When ...
g00dds's user avatar
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Are self-written queues and linked lists really worth it (better than built-in arrays)?

Let's say I need a queue for my project and the language I use does not have a built-in queue structure. So I decided to implement one myself. So I create an object with elements positions as the ...
forty5's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Iterating through stacks and queues?

Are stacks and queues allowed to be iterated over, conceptually? It “feels wrong” for some reason but I can't come up with a reason why it would be bad to see through the whole thing that's stacked/...
Lazar Ljubenović's user avatar
1 vote
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What kind of queue should I use for processing large volume of data?

I have a segment of customers which may range between 1 and 5000. For each customers, I need to do some processing by making some query to the database using the data from the customer. The query is ...
William's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is Kafka a good idea for connecting a REST API with Worker which runs large computations per job in a queue?

We currently have a REST API service (let's call it as A) written in Python which triggers various heavy calculation jobs for Worker (W) written in Python as well. Both services are interconnected ...
phen0menon's user avatar
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Scheduling asynchronous jobs with efficient round-robin algorithm using Redis

We are trying to redesign our microservice architecture-based application to support multiple tenants. We have a simple queue service that will be utilized by other services to queue any asynchronous ...
Raghu's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Options to maintain queue of resources that will be uniquely returned

I need to maintain a queue of resources in a cache such that when multiple clients try to pop elements from the queue concurrently, each element would be uniquely returned to only one of the clients. ...
Aadith Ramia's user avatar
-1 votes
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Design approach to decouple DB write to reduce application latency

I want to use DynamoDB to save application operation data at the end of a session for auditing purposes without affecting the actual application latency. Because this date is only for auditing so we ...
Saloni1308's user avatar
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Is there a way to add impending state changes to a queue on a node server, and is it necessary?

I'm writing an express/ game server for a web game. I have a central map of game state objects, each representing an ongoing match, like so: // map of gameId -> game (primary ...
temporary_user_name's user avatar
1 vote
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Pattern to limit message queue processing based on external API throttling

I have a project where there's an external API which implements throttling. Roughly speaking, I'm allowed to perform N requests per minute. I also have a message queue (Apache Kafka) whose consumers ...
Yos's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

What is the proper way to define a generic cron-job

Am going to handle a CRON job module which will be a generic module, on the job execution time shall I push the events to a queue so let the respective module will pick and do the respective operation....
ankithvicky's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Design question for handling large volumes of messages in multi-tenant queue

I have a system with two applications interacting via a message queue. Let's call them Producer and Consumer. Some key context is that this a multi-tenancy scenario. Producer produces events based ...
Taylor's user avatar
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Distributed processing of a large number of queues

I have a rather basic application hosted on Kubernetes, which connects to a Mongo database. The app has a wallet feature. A user can put money in their wallet using real-world payments (e.g. via ...
Avius's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

why and when is queues used in backend architectures?

I am implementing a backend with a typescript framework called nestjs and I was reading some documentation about their usage of queues. I have never used ...
Jonas Grønbek's user avatar
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Asynchronous communication with legacy system

Background My task is to create new system (X) for realtime work tracking for internal use. You should think it like an app that you have opened on a separate monitor/ on phone all day and you are ...
Pettan's user avatar
  • 11
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Designing sane messaging paradigm for concurrent updates

We have a weird use-case that I need to support in my application and needed some opinions on how to design it. At a basic level the application allows users to work on a "list" of "tweets" she cares ...
user642770's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I represent with UML a process that involves queues?

I would like to use UML diagrams to show some processes I am designing and would like to implement. The processes involve using a queue, and adding and taking out elements from it. In one of this ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
1 vote
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Worker pool running tasks of the same kind serially

I would like to run tasks in parallel. At this time, I am using a very simple worker pool using a single concurrent queue shared by all the threads. Every task has a non unique "tag" (an integer in ...
Willie Taylor's user avatar
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Database vs Logs - Persistence approach evaluation

I have a node js app, in which I need to perform background jobs. My plan is to use a data structure which will contain all the jobs needs done. My design also suggests that this data structure needs ...
Cap Barracudas's user avatar
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Queue management project - Recommendations

I would like to develop a Patient Queue management system with online booking. In this case there are options to generate queue tokens for various departments. For example dept A will have tokens ...
Surensiveaya's user avatar
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Do I need a queue manager over the database generating execution requests?

I am developing a multi-user application where a user interacts with the UI and submits execution requests (ER). Each user can submit multiple ERs one after the other and multiple users may submit ERs ...
Chintan Pathak's user avatar
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Best design for a AMQP work queue

I have a system where a user uploads a file to import some users but it's necessary to do some validations and this take some time. I would like to create a work queue with RabbitMQ and the user will ...
melpin's user avatar
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Multithreading - 2 active running threads calling each other without blocking itself

I have an implemented UDP receiver which is continuously receiving DTN packets (UDP encapsulated) and performing some operations on them. This whole process is working on a single main thread. However ...
Caspian's user avatar
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3 answers

Dealing with data arriving at a different times

I have a load balanced service that needs two data inputs to correctly give a result. One of these inputs comes from a queue, the other comes from user input. Most of the time the data that comes ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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Serving tasks for multiple users from one queue in parallel way

I'm designing a solution in which users perform tasks based on task queue. The point is to create system, where user goes on specific URL and server serves him listing with for example: items to asses ...
Paweł Hemperek's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do job queues return results to UI?

I am working on an app that will run queries and return results to UI. However, these queries can take a long time to finish so I should not wait for the result. As far as I know, people use task ...
Cemre's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are multiple backends in this system? [closed]

I am trying to understand the architecture of the system described in this patent about aggregating and analyzing confidential data: The general ...
MikiBelavista's user avatar
9 votes
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Fair distributed task scheduling with RabbitMQ

Problem: A single client of our system can completely flood all available resources with a massive workload. You can consider we have only one queue, and anyone can schedule any amount of work in it. ...
Johan Martinsson's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Pull important messages from DLQ queue and save them in a relational database, to be analyzed and sent back later. Is it a good idea?

My project has a integration with a external system. We need to send some important informations to this system. For this, we create a micro service to connect to this external system. This micro ...
Dherik's user avatar
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Modified priority queue (with "disabled" elements)

I need something like a priority queue but with the following modification: Sometimes I need to mark some elements in the queue as "disabled". Disabled elements: temporarily (until marked non-...
porton's user avatar
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Are there any use cases for List when Deques and Arrays are available?

I've been thinking about this over the past few weeks, and I've come up with no good arguments. My perspective is from Java, but if anyone has any language-specific cases outside of this language, I'...
ndm13's user avatar
  • 219
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1 answer

How to name two functions that could be named the same?

I have a node app with a queue for processing jobs in the background. I have a file that exports a function which when run, creates a job in my queue. In that file, I also have the handler for this ...
Thomas Groutars's user avatar
-3 votes
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Best Data Structure for ordered list of connected users

I have three attributes for a user: connectionId (e.g. "sd4-h4sdg-u4j-a2rr3"), userName, and placeInLine. I can't think of a single data structure that will handle my scenario of only allowing a ...
JacobIRR's user avatar
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Why would I use a queue to list all files and subfolders recursively

In Robert Sedgewick's Algorithms book there's this exercise: A folder is a list of files and folders. Write a program that takes the name of a folder as a command-line argument and prints out all ...
Mikayil Abdullayev's user avatar
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Best way to design a billing system for a SaaS

i am working on a SaaS project that provides some services that people can call via API. My problem is how do I build the billing algorithm. I want to charge on every call to the service. Now I'm ...
Tom Peach's user avatar
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3 answers

Priority Queue and Set in Java or general

why do we need priority queue when a set always keeps its object sorted, I think we can always remove the first/last element of a set and it would work as priority queue because priority queue offers ...
Hiresh's user avatar
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1 answer

The right way of redundant task queuing?

I'm currently working on refacting an existing project. Basicaly, I need to perform requests to remote services. Current solution is to write tasks to a database and then poll them using cron jobs. ...
mcferden's user avatar
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1 answer

Moving XML data into DB [closed]

Is this a "overkill" design to store XML data in a relational database? One point is that these web API REST services can later be used by other applications.
Hasle's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Large doubly-linked-list (or other) storage on disk for queue system; options for how to store

I'm looking at building a message queuing library in Go, which will be used as part of a larger application. A doubly-linked-list seems like a sensible approach for an in-memory data structure, but ...
Brad Peabody's user avatar
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Scheduling notifications reminders for users

I am trying to design the best way to send reminders to users for events they are registered for: reminders should be sent 72, 48 and 24 hours before the event reminders cannot be sent twice (so user ...
rhymes's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Designing an efficient implementation of a random access queue based on a linkedlist

I'm currently working through Robert Sedgewicks "Algorithms in java" (3rd edition, german) on my own and am currently at one of the more complicated questions there. I think I may have the starting ...
Philipp Doerner's user avatar
2 votes
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How to detect end of queue in a parallelized web crawler?

Let's say I want to program a parallelized web crawler which has a shared FIFO queue (multi consumer/multi producer). The queue only contains URLs. How do I detect the end of the queue? A worker ...
jervis's user avatar
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I need to write my own version of a bounded queue [closed]

I need to write my own version of a bounded queue. It must be thread safe. The consumption of this queue is based on a priority system, where a consumer makes a request for an object in the queue. ...
TheCoder's user avatar
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2 answers

Queue how to preserve requests?

I'm working with Laravel queues lately. I've all set up and running fine. What I see is that I perform a http request to my system, the controllers manage the request issuing a Model having request ...
koalaok's user avatar
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3 answers

Slow throughput - still worth using a dedicated message queue?

Here are some requirements for a queue: Every few days add ~100k tasks with various priorities Workers will pull tasks at typically less than 10 / second Tasks need to be completed by ~2 unique ...
hoju's user avatar
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1 answer

Name for object to re-order events received in arbitrary order?

I have a program which generates events. They are ordered with a Lamport clock and sent over the network. They may arrive in a different order. On the receiving end I have an object which re-orders ...
marcv81's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to best design a job queue with constraints?

Consider the following situation: You have a program which creates numerous 'jobs' that need to be processed and places them into a queue. You have other worker programs which grab the next 'job' in ...
merp's user avatar
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Ordering 'Tasks' for execution based on their dependencies

Let's say I have a set of Tasks that they have dependencies. These tasks are not in order, but the execution of tasks should be in the proper order. Each task has two properties: Before and After. ...
Mahdi's user avatar
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