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2 answers

CQRS: Multiple entry points for a single command

I’m trying to follow the Clean Architecture and CQRS within an application that, let’s say, create a product. To achieve this, the application has 3 adapters, one for reading a file, another for ...
Vithor Escames's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Programming language independent semantic validation of message protocol

I have a proprietary protocol that describes the exchange of messages of two participants (applications) via a messaging broker (mqtt). A participant is of type A or B. Each type is allowed to send ...
olimtrail's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cons of sending content-available=true and content-priority=high in BULK FCM messages?

While sending FCMs, I've noticed these two headers are important(message won't go without these headers), but what could be the cons of sending both of these headers as it is? I tried to read about ...
tuck_y's user avatar
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Is RabbitMQ suitable for allowing SaaS customers to subscribe to events?

I work on a SaaS system which is generally a single-tenant environment. Customers (whom the SaaS instances are for) would like a way to subscribe to events, such as updates of certain data entities. ...
Richard's user avatar
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sync over async in K8S

We build up a microservice architecture which is called from above by a REACT SPA. All is deployed in the AWS Cloud, that is to say in an AWS EKS (K8S). We have at most 600 users in parallel. Do you ...
kladderradatsch's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Should I update local storage every new event in a chat app? [closed]

I am building a chat app using flutter and sqflite. In the chats screen we display a list of chats, each contain name and last message. Every time a user sends a message, should I update the last ...
ialyzaafan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to design inter-service communication with notifications microservice?

I'm creating an application based on the microservice architecture and stuck on notifications microservice design. Basically it should be a service that notifies users about events happening in the ...
Ledorub's user avatar
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0 answers

Kafka : Is sending some payload data (identifier) in headers considered a good practive?

I am wondering about some architectonical decisions in our system. There are situations where we are sending import business events through kafka which should be performed in every case. All the cases ...
Drake's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Efficient Schema For Pairing Styling Metadata with Text Fields in JSON Messages

I am trying to design a schema for pairing styling data with text. However, I need it to pair styling metadata to only one part of a larger string. For example: "This is a test string" I ...
CCD's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to propagate seldomly changing data in a distributed system

We store data – some kind of metadata like car manufacturers or types of computer parts – in one of our applications. This data changes rarely. Let's say it changes once every two weeks. This data is ...
Harold L. Brown's user avatar
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4 answers

GUID possible misuse as short term message id

I have an distributed application that sends P2P messages parallel (for fault tolerance) across different channels. This mandates an filter to avoid multiple receivement of the same message. Therfor I ...
Martin's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

How to engineer a "message read/message not read" fucntionality like the tchat apps or forums ones?

I am challenged to rebuild a support ticket manager app currently on legacy PHP code. I plan to migrate to microservices + JS frontend technology like VueJS or React. One of the app's page is a ...
coderpolo's user avatar
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1 answer

Internal/external commands in CQRS

I have several questions related to CQRS in eventually consistent systems with a need of resilient Command/Event processing. Is it OK to have external/public synchronous Commands (triggered by API, e....
Andrew Dunai's user avatar
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How to handle maintenance to your queuing server (e.g. rabbitMQ)

I'm new to queuing and looking into options that could be done operationally. I'm sorry if I have any conceptual misunderstandings related to queuing. I watched this video where the presenter made a ...
nanotek's user avatar
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Chat app database architecture [closed]

I understand that chat apps are a fairly well understood and architected thing. I’m looking for some best practices advice on structuring the backend, particularly as it relates to user inboxes. One ...
aroooo's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How do I design an event bus to both publish and consume events to an external message broker

I have an application that needs to publish events to an event broker and consume events from the event broker. I want to do this with an event bus. This event bus should have one public method: ...
danjfoley's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Creating a promise based API, from a message based API

I'm building some software that behind the scenes needs to communicate with hardware via a "message" API, over a named pipe. For example, I can send this message: <?xml version="1.0&...
i.brod's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Transactional and eventual consistency together -- which operations MUST be transactionally consistent?

I find a lot of resources regarding strong consistency versus eventual consistency, and when to choose one or the other. I'm wondering how and when you would have both together. Consider this specific ...
AleksG's user avatar
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What limits throughput for a single topic in Kafka, Pulsar, RabbitMQ?

I am trying to assess which of Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, and Apache Pulsar will meet my throughput requirements for a system with multiple producers and multiple consumers for a single topic. How can ...
Alexander Taylor's user avatar
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Exposing an event source as an interface, but where the source may expose events individually or as a collection

I am using a publish-subscribe event broker, and am constructing libraries to help people interact with this broker consistently. One of the things I would like to design is some kind of IEventSource ...
allmhuran's user avatar
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How do big messaging apps keep users connected

So let's take the Facebook Messenger app for example. When you send a message it instantly gets sent to the other user you are writing to.I believe they use some kind of WebSockets to send these ...
Charles Edward Gagnon's user avatar
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Propogating db queries from a host that cannot initiate communication

We have jobs running on-premises, many of which directly query our (on-prem) database. At the start of these jobs a new record is created in the database, and the record id is returned so that it may ...
byte_zero's user avatar
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Topics best practices - AWS SNS and others

I'm designing a medium size project that will have few decoupled microservices. I want to avoid costly architecture mistakes at the very beginning. What I'm wondering (I googled and didn't found any ...
Maciej Pszczolinski's user avatar
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Duplicate business logic check on Microservices Patterns

I'm reading now "Microservices Patterns" by Chris Richardson. At chapter 5 "Designing business logic in a microservice architecture" the author present the Ticket aggregate and its ...
itaied's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How do social media platforms stay up-to-date with messages and posts? [closed]

This is a question I have always wondered Is it as simple as repetitive pinging of a server in a seperate thread or is it more complicated than that? I am only talking about the app version not the ...
user14118720's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Common library for classes and communication between microservices?

I have been working on a project that is being built around a microservices architecture. We are thinking on using a message broker, such as RabbitMQ, for both synchronous (via RPC) and asynchronous ...
Gabriel Robaina's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

AMQP messaging: How to generate documentation for consumers?

My application publishes various messages (e.g., telemetry, changed-events, ...) to a RabbitMQ message-broker. The users have no access to the source-code and therefore, will need a separate ...
SoftwareArchitect123's user avatar
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Notification System Design for Multi User Application

I have a requirement to design a notification system for multi-user(~1000 users) application, here are the high level requirements. System event gets triggered on specific operations. On event ...
Yuvaraj G's user avatar
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3 answers

Avoiding infinite loops in SOA / Enterprise Integration messaging

Thinking within a Service Oriented Architecture / Microservices / Enterprise Integration framework how does one avoid infinite loops when publishing messages between systems, especially when one has ...
Max's user avatar
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Experiences with coarse grained and fine grained message designs in an ECST pattern

I am currently facing a dilemma in the design of a message oriented distributed system following an Event Carried State Transfer pattern. This is essentially a "near real time ETL" used to ...
allmhuran's user avatar
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3 answers

Is shared message types a design smell?

I recently encountered a microservice architecture with 50+ services communicating with messaging using publish/subscribe on a topic. I have previously worked with event based systems where each ...
span's user avatar
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Designing sane messaging paradigm for concurrent updates

We have a weird use-case that I need to support in my application and needed some opinions on how to design it. At a basic level the application allows users to work on a "list" of "tweets" she cares ...
user642770's user avatar
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1 answer

Message bus: should an event handler trigger other commands?

Given I have a message bus that can handle commands and events. A command handler can dispatch an event. But should an event handler be able to dispatch another command? Or should event handlers only ...
TiMESPLiNTER's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How do you resolve a byte[] into a class instance in a way that doesn't couple the serialization/deserialization contexts together

Consider that you've got a POJO that you intend to serialize and send through a socket. You can use whatever serialization strategy you wish (JSON, XML, protobuf, ..., etc) to serialize the actual ...
tgabb's user avatar
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3 answers

Keeping up logical order in a messaging environment

My setting is the following (Please assume that this points are entirely rock solid unchangeable, some for good reasons some: "just because"): In a super scalable microservice environment i receive ...
Chris's user avatar
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Microservices communications content

So I was watching Jimmy Bogard giving a talk on Effective Microservice Communications (Power Point available on his GitHub). One thing he mentions is that the messages between the services should be ...
Jakob Busk Sørensen's user avatar
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Architecture question about Instant Messaging Platform with MQTT

I'm starting a project to build an instant messaging application for mobile devices. Although not the complete list of components these are the main data flows I'm concerned about: Mobile app ...
Daniel Arechiga's user avatar
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Consumer triggered entity data agregation

I am currently using RabbitMQ to aggregate the output of various data sources. Functionally the process is the following: The user enters a product name. The request is sent to the different sources ...
ulrich's user avatar
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Design Decision - MassTransit or NetMQ

We work in a traveling company. We sell tickets for domestic flights, international flights, trains, and buses. Currently, each of these products has its own team members and they use different ...
Moien Tajik's user avatar
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Is one to one mapping necessary between Write Applications and Read Applications

Introduction: We have a bunch of micro services (about 40) to serve our customers. To facilitate scaling and audit-ability of selected few micro services we have decided to redesign them using CQRS ...
Nachiappan Kumarappan's user avatar
2 votes
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Pros and cons of consuming events in batches

Suppose I have a message broker that allows consumers to specify a batch size. What are the advantages and disadvantages of consuming events in batches compared to consume them one by one? The ...
antonro's user avatar
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buffering messages and send after reconnect

I'm looking for a solution for this, buffering messages in an array and send them after web-socket reconnect. I can check the socket client and push messages to an array when connection is lost and ...
Vahid Alimohamadi's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Using Apache Kafka for rare events [closed]

There are multiple microservices which are responsible for storing data dependent from user, e.g. user preferences on some products, user orders, etc. There is a scenario when user is deleted from ...
dev123's user avatar
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What's the use of event sourcing and asynchronous message queues for sending commands

In short: Out of order commands end up with out of order events, so does the ordering of the events matter in such situations? Since we are uncertain about the order of commands when an asynchronous ...
Mohsen's user avatar
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Notification system on app using Firebase

I have to build an app that manages orders between customers who submit the orders and riders who deliver them. Riders work in shifts, so when a customer submits an order, only the riders that are ...
Manuel De Stefano's user avatar
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Using signalR for streaming alongside a microservice architecture

I have a cluster of micro services with an exposed search API serving a client app. I want to "stream" in real time the aggregated results of a complex search. The search will be kicked of by the ...
cookee89's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Syncing two Notifications and Merging them Into One

I am running into this issue: Suppose that there are two independent services, A and B, and both process messages from C. Suppose that I have a service X that needs to know if a message m from C was ...
Husain's user avatar
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How to design document exchange system

I am trying to come up with a design of document exchange system. System should be for business-to-business communication. Description: There will be possibly 100+ clients(consumers) - they will have ...
onlydmc123's user avatar
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Scheduling operations in a micro service

I'm trying to realize a service that executes operations at a certain time, those operations are specified by another service by messaging, here's the scenario: The service A receives a request to ...
Tizio Fittizio's user avatar
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Passing Keys instead of Messages

Recently I stood up a Redis server and tested the idea of storing application 'states' that only existed in our application and were never stored in our database. Don't know if we will ultimately do ...
TerrierJack's user avatar