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Questions tagged [roles]

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71 votes
3 answers

Role vs Permission Based Access Control

I'm trying to understand the inherent tradeoff between roles and permissions when it comes to access control (authorization). Let's start with a given: in our system, a Permission will be a fine-...
smeeb's user avatar
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28 votes
19 answers

What hat should a programmer not wear? [closed]

In my experience, software developers tend to wear multiple hats and fill multiple roles with different responsibilities. From not only coding, but sometimes also writing SQL, designing the user-...
spong's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Design pattern for data privileges

I'm designing a financial system that should grant access to data based on roles and privileges. For example, a manager can see the financial transaction of users under his domain but not information ...
user49204's user avatar
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0 votes
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Who should develop the database relational model diagrams?

Developing a co-founded idea software product can have sometimes misunderstood information about roles and responsibilities. A Management role is responsible for understand and delegate the operator's ...
Francisco Maria Calisto's user avatar