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Questions about C++, a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, compiled, general-purpose programming language.

4 votes

Why do books say, "the compiler allocates space for variables in memory"?

what the compiler will do is take your code and compile it into machine code. What you mention is a good example where a compiler only needs to translate. For instance, when you write int foo; You …
That Realtor Programmer Guy's user avatar
3 votes

Game programming : C# or C++?

I highly promote C++ for game development. There are a few extra obstacles, with various pros and cons, one of the best reasons is portability. With C# you can develop for quite a bit more these days …
6 votes
2 answers

Smart Pointers inside class vs Normal Pointers with Destructor

Regarding pointers which are members of classes. Should they be of a smart pointer type or is it enough to simply deal with them in the destructor of the class they are contained in?
That Realtor Programmer Guy's user avatar