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10 votes

Should I be unit testing during prototyping/preparing for beta?

I've worked on projects with no testing, development driven testing and actual red-green-refactor TDD, and what you describe is something I might have written before trying actual TDD. I’ve rapidly ...
l0b0's user avatar
  • 11.5k
3 votes

Should I be unit testing during prototyping/preparing for beta?

Testing early is important – but not everything has to be tested, and a lot of code is not served well by TDD-style unit tests. For a prototype, it's completely fine to temporarily ignore best ...
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
2 votes

Justifications for developing applications that work on beta versions of iOS?

Beta releases are by definition "works in progress". Until the vendor (Apple in this case) formally releases the software, there are no guarantees as to what will be in the final release (a feature ...
Dan Pichelman's user avatar
2 votes

Is it a bad idea to use a Beta warning on an onworking web application?

Releasing a piece of software as not beta should only be done after testing. You will lose most of your customers, when only one GUI element is not working. For example, a well known online clothing ...
Daan van Hoek's user avatar

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