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-1 votes

Is Exception caught in the Service class a matter of preference?

It is particularly relevant to code management and the way you want to act when an exception occurred. I'm working on a project and recently encountered this exact thought and discussed with team to ...
procrastinator1771's user avatar
-1 votes

Is Exception caught in the Service class a matter of preference?

When an exception/problem occurs, you basically have three choices: Suppress it. Handle it. Transform/Pass it. If you catch an exception and do nothing, most people would say you suppressed it. ...
DavidT's user avatar
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Is Exception caught in the Service class a matter of preference?

The code above can work since the code has been in production for more than ten years, but [..] Anything that you do beyond getting the code to work is a matter of preference, if getting the code to ...
Flater's user avatar
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5 votes

Is Exception caught in the Service class a matter of preference?

Is this a matter of preference to handle errors on the DAO or service level? No, it is not a matter of preference, because the DAO level will probably not even know about the service's LOG, so it ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
  • 214k
2 votes

Is Exception caught in the Service class a matter of preference?

Everything is a matter of preference. But the code you've shown is pretty much a perfect example of how not to use exceptions - other than in extreme cases (e.g. a top-level handler just before the ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar

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