New answers tagged architecture
Does my code follow DDD principles?
DDD doesn't have a lot of hard principles
but then I learned that aggregation roots should not reference each
other directly, and replaced the objects with identifiers. Did I do
the right thing?
Yes ...
How to untangle bounded contexts after a team ownership reorganization?
The premise of Domain Driven Design is that if your let devs write software as they like, then you end up with odd restrictions on changes which align with the way the business thinks but not how the ...
What architectural connector is a file descriptor?
File descriptors can implement connectors of different types, depending on how they are used within a system:
When used in a Fifo manner, where one component writes data into a file stream and ...
How to untangle bounded contexts after a team ownership reorganization?
I assuming by team you mean some mix of bank staff (Tellers, Credit Risk Analysts, ...) not just the dev team working on the software.
Your question seems to be hinting at changing from 2 bounded ...
Is there a difference between a component and a module
There are several phases of software engineering. design, development, deployment.
Components are related to the design phase of the software. Where you have architectural components such as client, ...
Is it a good idea to have multiple derivations of Presenter (MVP) / View Model (MVVM) of a certain view and supply them externally?
Not only is this a good idea, it's recommended.
External Service Failures in Long-Running Queued Tasks
Retries are inherently dangerous. Unless you know what failure you are expecting and that a retry will fix the problem, then I would avoid any immediate retries.
The default approach should be to put ...
How do replicas of an app instance assure the task was done only once when the main instance fails?
This question, or more accurately any given answer to it, is prone to "but you could invest more effort and cover the gap this way". That's a recursive response, you can always invest more ...
Why the instability metric is a ratio?
Well, no metric is perfect. A metric is a relatively simple way to get a handle on some property of a complicated thing - for instability, think of it as of a normalized/relative metric (a value ...
Why the instability metric is a ratio?
The thing to realise is that any given system has a fixed number of packages.
So the instability is just a measure of where a given package is in the dependency chain.
Root packages, say your Models, ...
In what way is an "architecture quantum" distinct from UML subsystems?
But, even in an appropriate microservice decomposition, parts of an end-user's workflow will still stop "functioning", even if only temporarily in case eventual consistency is applied, if ...
In what way is an "architecture quantum" distinct from UML subsystems?
The term "architectural quantum", as defined by Richards and Ford, is essentially microservice, without the baggage.
An architectural quantum is more specific than a subsystem. Take, as a ...
How to Handle Concurrent Refresh Token Requests
Assuming that all the tabs run on the same browser and therefore can share cookie storage, the following mechanism can be implemented:
Upon session start, every tab obtains it's own unique_tab_id.
How to Handle Concurrent Refresh Token Requests
So you have several contexts that use the same token and refresh should be called only once and refreshes everything. You refresh the token based on time.
The normal method would be: You start a token ...
Calling service and repository layer from controller
Generally there is no issue with direct controller to reposiroty approach. it will work but it can lead to tightly coupled and harder-to-maintain code as the project grows.
What is service layer?
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