When I read through your question, everything sounded reasonable and even enviably agile – right up to the point where you said you have to wait 6 months (that is over 120 business days!) until a production-ready feature has been approved for deployment?!??!
Your problem is not the branching model.
Your root cause is that sluggish feedback cycle.
The “main issues” you've identified are problematic, but they primarily seems to be symptoms of the delayed feedback.
The cost of waiting
All this waiting causes your process to be wasteful – in the sense of stacks of $$$ slowly evaporating while contributions sit around in limbo:
The long delays increase the merging effort. New conflicts have to be resolved. The devs have to re-contextualize themselves with this code. Do these merges frequently introduce new bugs (costly to fix this late in the process)? How much does all of that add to the time needed to ship a feature? I'd expect the added cost from these delays to be in the range of 10% – 50% or maybe even more.
Each feature probably has some value to your users. Until it is delivered, this value is missing. What is the value of this feature over a period of five months? That is the value your organization is forfeiting by having to wait 6 months instead of one month for feature delivery.
These delays are likely impacting employee satisfaction. Most people like to make an impact. It's hard to see that impact when a small change needs half a year to go live. And all that code sitting in forgotten branches – how much effort was spent there that didn't lead to any value?
Possible reasons
It is now your job to find out why the feedback process takes so long. You will have to talk with the business teams, learn about their expectations and constraints. Possible reasons:
- Are the initial requirements too vague, leading to multiple change–feedback cycles before the feature is validated?
- Are new requirements bolted on to features in the feedback process? “Can't you just quickly add X, that's much quicker than requesting a new feature…”
- Do the business teams not assign a suitable priority to feedback, and let these tasks wait for multiple weeks? Then why do they need these features?
- Do the business teams use pre-production versions for their daily work, and are therefore not under any pressure to move these features to production?
- Are features requested at a higher rate than can be validated, and validation happens in a FIFO order?
- Does feature validation of each change actually involve an exhaustive QA process that covers much more than the changed functionality?
By the way, I strongly recommend a physical Kanban board to visualize the flow of features through your development pipeline: a big whiteboard with coloured post-it notes for each feature/branch. That makes it easy to communicate the scale of these delays. You can also add a “swim lane” for each team.
Mitigation strategies
Depending on your circumstances and the reasons for these delays, there are a variety of strategies you can try:
Each feature needs a single contact point from the business teams. They should be available for any questions from your devs, and they should approve the finished features. This shouldn't be a manager, but a subject expert.
Add testing/QA roles to your team. They can spot quality issues and regressions before the changes are shown to the business teams. Automated unit tests are no replacement for a good QA team.
Manage the number of in-progress features per business team. If a business team has a multi-week backlog of features to be validated waiting for them, communicate the cost of these delays and ask them to to complete those validations first – you have more than enough requests to handle from the other teams.
Ask the business teams to validate smaller features first. This makes the process feel much faster, though it delays slow features even more.
Offer deadlines: “We can deploy that feature to production by the end of the month if you approve it by the 23rd”.
If a feature takes a very long time to be validated, something fundamental seems to be wrong. Consider declaring the implementation a prototype, and start the feature development process anew – this time, with a better idea what is actually needed.
Move to a slower release cycle. Your process sounds wonderfully agile, but the truth is: it's not. At least not yet.
How could a release cycle work? You collect features for each release. For one release period, the devs work on these features. Then the business teams have time for one release period to validate the changes, while the devs work on the features for the next release. Towards the end of each period, the feedback is collected and the features are prepared for deployment. If the feedback process delays a feature, it can be integrated into the next release.
The advantage here is that the rebasing doesn't have to happen continuously, but only around each release. While there will still be conflicts, you no longer suffer from them all the time. The preproduction version offered for feedback would also include all features scheduled for that release, thus allowing you to detect it earlier when features break each other.
What the devs can do
Something the developers can try is using feature toggles. Each feature should be merged as soon as possible so that conflicts are detected early. However, that code will not be run when deployed, as it is protected by a feature toggle. This is a configuration variable that allows the feature to be enabled or disabled at runtime. This also allows use cases like enabling the feature just for a single test user, while it is invisible for the rest. Once the feature has been proven in deployment, the toggle can be removed so that it is always active.
However, feature toggles are not a silver bullet. You gain less merge conflicts and can do large refactorings more easily, but now have a massively more complex code base – how do all these flags interact? You can't test all combinations. This is only viable if each feature is very cohesive and doesn't need far-reaching changes throughout the code base. This is easier if the system was designed with extensibility in mind, e.g. via prudent use of some design patterns.
Since the devs are producing features faster than can be deployed, they could spend some time for speculative, high-risk – high-reward experiments: things like rewriting some part of the code base. Or go for an unit test blitz, where you try to get as many files to 80% statement coverage as possible within a week. Or do some training. Or make some time available for refactoring, which will will allow new features to be integrated more easily. All of that will pay off in the long run, but will take the pressure of the business teams for a while.
While you could change your branching model, such changes would just be cosmetic. The real problem seems to be the delays in the feedback process. You will have to work with the business teams to find a way to speed these up. Once these delays are reduced to a tolerable time frame, you can return to the other opportunities for process improvement that you've identified.