Code Review.SE is great when you need feedback on a precise, short piece of code.
But where to get similar feedback about the code itself when:
you have thousands of LOC,
don't have colleagues in your workplace ready or willing to review the code¹,
don't have thousands of dollars to spend for a professional review by a third party developer?²
Places like CodePlex are a good idea to get your project known³, but from what I've seen, the feedback you get on known projects are consumer feedback, i.e. concerns the bugs and feature requests, not the quality of the source code itself.
What are the social way to get the community involved in the code review of the codebase of a certain size for an open source project which doesn't have the scale of Firefox or similar products?
¹ Which is the case for most personal and open source projects, or projects done in companies where the practice of regular and complete code review is nonexistent.
² Which is, again, the case for most personal and open source projects.
³ Even if too many projects published on CodePlex never get known, either because nobody cares or because they are presented not very well.