Imagine the following situation:
1. Consume a 3rd party WSDL, out comes thousands of classes.
2. There's an opportunity to optimize performance by using a custom paralleled implementation.
3. Wsdl class structure has consistent naming convention: [RecordType][CrudAction]
4. Use Java Reflection to create type-less functions taking advantage of naming convention patterns
5. Result would reduce all possible implementations of wsdl class base by a factor of what would otherwise be needed to iterate through all [RecordTypes] and [CrudAction] possibilities. P = A * B
becomes P = A + B
I've read several sources that it's bad to use reflection, or that it has a very specific type of problem. Was Java Reflection intended to solve for this type of problem? FWIW, this feels like a hacky aspect-oriented programming solution to help scale interfacing to a large 3rd party class base. The Spring framework is also available, however, this could help lower overhead.