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Questions tagged [amazon-ec2]

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List Git branch currently on each EC2

We have a handful of AWS EC2s set up for testing ongoing feature developments. I'm wondering if anyone knows an easy, automated way to keep track of which git branch we're testing on each EC2. Maybe ...
UnhandledException's user avatar
0 votes
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Kubernetes auto scaling

We are currently in the process of doing an infrastructure overhaul. A bit of background of what our business model currently is: We are an aggregator of bills and payment services for businesses. ...
kelvinleeweisern's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

When creating a RESTful API in AWS, why would you use EC2 over a Lambda integration?

In AWS you can easily create a RESTful API using API Gateway. With a serverless approach, you would have API Gateway integrate with Lambda to handle your endpoint logic. This seems like the most ...
Gary Holiday's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

What's better, using DB or Storage services to save videos?

I am creating a website that allows to teachers to uploading courses, what's better, to just use the DB or should I use storage services, and how could I know the size of the videos? I am using AWS if ...
Elzubair Mohammed's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the threat model for deciding between unencrypted vs. encrypted EBS volumes?

Let me start by saying that I'm not questioning the utility of encrypting EBS volumes, nor asking how it works. I'm just wondering what specifically encrypting EBS volumes is protecting against? For ...
Andrew Zick's user avatar
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How to efficiently process CPU intensive tasks on the server in the background

I built an audio processing web app using Rails. The user uploads a song to the website. The song is then decomposed into individual elements and then modified and recombined. I am using a an open ...
musicjackx's user avatar
2 votes
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Running a high availability PostgreSQL cluster on native AWS services only

Backstory: I am unable to use RDS, as I need to install cartridges in my PostgreSQL instances. I have been trying to pin down an architecture for PostgreSQL running on EC2 instances for a few days. ...
tjwoon's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Upload fingerprint from android/ios to cloud

I am working on a project to use fingerprint to authenticate the user. I don't want the authentication to be device specific. Hence want to upload the user fingerprint to cloud. I do understand that ...
user420528's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Are AWS Lambda functions a good fit for the use case of fetching huge amount of records from database on User request?

We have a use case where an AWS Lambda function is called from AWS API Gateway on user request from the browser, it fetches data from the database and returns back to the client. The amount of time ...
Arup's user avatar
  • 13
1 vote
1 answer

Allowing a dynamic list of IP addresses to access a specific port in an AWS EC2 Instance

The problem I am trying to solve today is DDoS. I am working on a game project which is hosted on a TCP port (7777). The game is known to have a community full of idiots (pardon the language) that do ...
GiamPy's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to automate my AWS spark script

I am new to AWS and i have learnt and developed code in spark -scala . My application basically merge two files in spark and created final output. I read both files (MAIN files and INCR files )in ...
Sudarshan kumar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Messaging between microservices on AWS

Here is the scenario: We are running a microservices style architecture on AWS using API Gateway and EC2 instances. Let’s say there are five services: Photo Service, Topics Service, User Posts ...
damianesteban's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Server architecture for short bursts of ~150 parallel CPU-heavy subqueries

The client sends a query (a few hundred characters) to the web service. This query can be split into 20 to 150 subqueries with a simple regex. Those subqueries can then be computed independently and ...
mb21's user avatar
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Splitting the application into two different hosting providers

Due to cost I am currently thinking of using AWS for scalable hosting of the node.js backend of the application that would be nice to have monitoring,load balancing and all the goodies of the AWS ...
arisalexis's user avatar
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Amazon Echo Development on LAN

I have followed the tutorial from Amazon to get started with the Echo. I made a skill and setup an application server on their AWS Lambda for basic testing. I have a few questions about the Echo, ...
allegory's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Remote server development [closed]

We are working on a django project which is hosted on an amazon ec2 instance. It is on very early stage, so changes are made constantly and the webapp should be updated more than once a day. Right now,...
khajvah's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Moving my ASP.NET MVC application to Amazon AWS

I built an ASP.NET MVC application, and now I want to move it to Amazon AWS from my development server. My question is: How does one migrate an ASP.NET application to Amazon AWS? Here is what I have ...
arao6's user avatar
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1 answer

How do we pass data between two Amazon instances?

I'm trying to create a website where the user enters a few numbers, these numbers are fed into some equations, and the output of these equations is emailed to the user. I'm using Python 2.7 for ...
Parzival's user avatar
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2 votes
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Running SQL Server Express on Micro/Extra Small VM

I'm exploring options for running a small cloud Windows Server (either AWS EC2 Micro or Azure Extra Small). The server won't be hit very hard, but I need to run a simple relational database, which I'...
Joe Enos's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the best/most standard way to measure server load?

I'm a bit green to web applications although I am in the final phases of developing one for a client. I'm using Django with Gunicorn/Nginx on an AWS m1.medium. The database (MongoDB) is on a separate ...
Antony Woods's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to use PostgreSQL on AWS - Ubuntu 11.10 [closed]

I'm extremely new to cloud-computing, Linux, and PostgreSQL, so if this is a stupid question, I apologize. I've managed to create an m1.large instance running Ubuntu 11.10, connect via Putty SSH, and ...
That1Guy's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How do I let customers run arbitrary code as securely as possible?

I'd like to offer a service where customers can write arbitrary java code, send it to me, and I'll run it for them on Amazon EC2. My question is: how can I do this without exposing one customer's ...
Tyler's user avatar
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-1 votes
4 answers

Should we hire one consultant for website design and another for development or find someone who will do both?

We've outsourced our app development, and they've created a DB hosted on Amazon-EC2. For the UI we're in talks with a web designer, but they don't do any of the coding to integrate the website with ...
chimps's user avatar
  • 11
8 votes
2 answers

Cloud service and IM protocol advice, for a backend to group chat mobile app

Overview I’m going to develop an app on Android and iOS. It will allow users to set up group ‘chat rooms’ and talk on chat rooms set up by other users. The service needs to be highly scalable, such ...
Jon Cox's user avatar
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1 vote
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Windows Azure vs GAE vs AWS - for process based application

I am writing an application that will crawl web pages and analyze data, and I'm wondering if I can host this as a cloud-based service. The main reason I'm looking at cloud hosting is that users may ...
Matthew Zalewski's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Amazon Cloud (EC2) w/SQL Server. Pay for SQL instance, or use an AMI w/SQL Server Express?

I have been considering using the Amazon cloud (EC2) for a small workflow application. In terms of power and storage, a SQL Server Express database will more than meet my needs. I have been cautioned ...
jlnorsworthy's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Clojure Web Application: EC2 or GAE?

I am developing a web application written in Clojure using the Compojure framework. My question is, should I deploy to Amazon EC2 or Google App Engine? I've read this article on running Clojure code ...
dbyrne's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Using EC2 instance as main development platform [closed]

My problem I am working as a consultant for various companies. Each company provides me with a laptop with their software on and I also have my own, where I have my development environment. I tend to ...
David's user avatar
  • 4,439
25 votes
13 answers

What's the cheapest way to host hobby projects? [closed]

What's the best place to put your hobby web projects(the web app itself, not the code) ? Typically, the projects are such that: a) I just want to test out an interesting idea without exploring the ...
letronje's user avatar
  • 491
159 votes
17 answers

Windows Azure vs Amazon EC2 vs Google App Engine

From a developer point of view which platform would you consider for a large social web application? If you could provide some details on what you consider to be the strengths of which alternative it ...
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