How much stack usage is too much?
If you allocate an array of say 10,000 bytes on the stack, then that array is limited in size. 10,000 may be a lot, but if you need 10,001 bytes then your program can crash or worse. So in this ...
How do I prevent stack overflows from happening in this command structure with callbacks?
I have a set of jobs that I need executed.
Excellent. You have chosen a reasonable architecture to meet this need.
When a job is finished, the job uses a callback function to inform the entity of ...
How do I prevent stack overflows from happening in this command structure with callbacks?
Don't have a callback. or at least dont pass the job into it.
TaskSet.executeJob(Job j)
//the job has finished
if(j.status == failed)
this.Queue.Add(j); //...
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